Virginia Tech 2024 REGULAR decision discussion

I know decisions are releasing soon. To those who got deferred or applied regular decision. Good luck! Feel free to use to the bottom forum to chat and say your stats if you don’t mind.

Does anyone know how the decisions are released? Email or is there a portal? (my son doesn’t say much lol). Are they already out?

Its in the portal, should be out later in the day, don’t know the exact time.

@imstacey Follow VT admissions on social media - they will post right before results are released.

so do we think waitlist admits might come out today?

No today is for Regular Decision people, waitlist should be after RD, it would not make sense to give waitlist out unless there is something I am missing here? Have it done it before?

@mfmtb01 It’s unlikely anyone will be taken off the waitlist before the May 1 matriculation deadline, unless all offered students within a specific major accept/decline their offer before that date.

5PM EST today is the release time for admission decisions

Waitlisted for Tech, bruh I think college admissions are gonna give me a migraine.

I have heard of people getting in at this time but who knows they don’t usually waitlist a million people

They just tweeted…decisions are out.

Thanks — he told me that he just found out that he was waitlisted. Much better SAT score than my daughter had when she applied (and was admitted RD) 2 years ago. Go figure?

Sorry. He’s certainly in good company…lots of well-qualified kids on the waitlist (including mine). I wish him the best!

36 ACT, 4.5 cumulative GPA, volunteer hours, president of honor society, varsity swim captain, and I got waitlisted :))) college is a scam change my mind

@braffier — I can’t explain this for you. It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, unfortunately. But, as was stated above, you are in good company. Many highly qualified applicants were rejected or waitlisted. It’s hard to understand but it is what it is. Best of luck as you navigate this college decision process.

If my 30 ACT and 4.2 GPA is what is classified as overqualified, I sure would like to see what school they think I can get into. Haha it honestly makes no sense.

A parent on another VTech thread was suggesting that maybe VTech is over-using waitlist this year to avoid the over-enrollment problem they encountered last year and to be able to more tightly manage admissions. I guess the idea being that they can let people in slowly and purposefully from the waitlist as final decisions are made by accepted students. I have no idea if this is accurate, just sharing what I read.

@braffier My son 1510 SAT, 35 ACT, 4.45 GPA. Active in sports and theatre including leadership roles. Waitlisted. You made me feel like he isn’t alone so thank you for that. Good luck to you wherever you end up. I am sure you will be fine with quals like yours.

I think this is 100% what they are doing. The issue is they likely won’t pull from the waitlist until after May 1st, which means you’ll need to commit somewhere else, first. Also, there doesn’t appear to be a real consistent pattern on who they accepted vs. waitlisted, which is frustrating.

Good luck to everybody on the waitlist…and I hope everybody finds a Plan B that they are excited about.

It is clear that VT is taking a new approach this year. This is their prerogative, but the fact that they aren’t being transparent from the beginning or now is obnoxious. Other Deans of Admission write a blog or release information so that students and parents understand what is going on. Take a look at the great letter on UVA’s website after EA decisions came out.

Plus, did anyone get denied? Anecdotally, it looks like they are waitlisting a ridiculous number of applicants. I hate that they are stringing so many along. If someone has a low chance, it is better to cut them loose so that they can move on.