virginia tech- anyone received updated status yet... for regular admission for fall

<p>Just wondering if anyone who applied regular decision for fall 2011 has received acceptance or denial, on their status page. I know mailings go out tomorrow, but, wasnt sure about status updated online.</p>

<p>is this for freshman admission? or transfer?
i am transfer</p>

<p>I am inquiring about freshman admissions</p>

<p>oh well i got waitlisted last year…maybe i can help?
A lot of ppl found out last year at tomorrows date, but i remember that I still had a few friends who did not find out that they were admitted until the very last day, which is april 1st. I found out i got w.l. on april 1st…but don’t be discouraged if you do not hear back tomorrow, there is still some hope</p>

<p>Your status should be updated by 5pm tomorrow</p>

<p>Thank you- hoping for good news :)</p>

<p>I already heard a few weeks ago.</p>

<p>Please post here as soon as your online status changes today…and good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>same boat here… keep checking every few minutes!</p>

<p>We have one hour to go.</p>

<p>40 minutesssss.</p>


<p>23 minutes…</p>

<p>I woke up to some morning show and the lady was saying here we have Rebecca Black, singer of what many say may be the worst song ever made</p>

<p>LOL. Psh, her songs are so sophisticated and thought-provoking. I love how she elaborately lays out four out of seven days of the week. (Practicing my satire skills from AP Lang ;D)</p>


<p>3 minutes. Let’s see if they are punctual.</p>

<p>Nope, but the page is slow. Lots of traffic and lots uploading! Ahhhh!</p>

<p>…they are not punctual. :)</p>

<p>ANYONE? I’m waiting with my BFF…her son is waiting…my son not. So she has ME doing the recon.</p>

<p>do we know its supposed to be up at 5pm?
my friend who got in early decision this year found out at 5:30pm…</p>

<p>I don’t know from where I heard it but I am positive that it should be 5pm.</p>