Virginia Tech Architecture

Very interested in the architecture program at VT, but have little knowledge on it:
How many freshmen enroll each year? Acceptance rate?
How hard is it to get into this program? (Also, compared to other majors VT offers)
Is the studio chaotic and loud?
General opinions?

Thanks, much appreciated!

It’s ranked third in the nation. It is one of the harder majors to get into with a class of a little over a hundred students per year. They do a holostic review and are truly looking for the well rounded student.

The studios are mixed levels for a great community feel. As for the volume, I can’t speak but I can say the students in the studios at Tech seemed far happier than other campuses that we visited.

My son is starting there next year and has a friend there this year, and she LOVE It! If you’re a junior or younger, I strongly recommend taking their Architecture summer camp where you stay on campus for a week.

Good luck wherever you decide on.


@anxiousparent Thanks for the reply! I am actually a freshman for fall 2016. I am currently undecided on which architecture program to attend and virginia tech seems to be an option considering its ranking and price.