Virginia Tech chances for OOS architecture student

Hi everyone, I am currently a senior and trying to find what my chances are at some of the the top architecure schools. Here is my info:

Gender: Male

Race: Middle Eastern and Latin American

Location: California

UW GPA: 3.55 (Spanish killed me)

W GPA: 3.9
Has improved every year, not sure if that matters

ACT Superscore: 31 (35 reading, 30 science, 29 Math, and 28 English)

ACT Nonsuperscore: 30

No class Rank

Of APS, Dual enrollment, and honors: 16

Freshman Year: English 1 honors, Geomertry honors
Sophomore year: Algebra 2/trig honors, English 2 honors, AP world (4 on ap exam)
Junior Year: Pre Calc Honors, English 3 H, AP Computer Science(3 on Ap exam), Dual enrollment US History.
Senior Year: AP Calc AB, AP Lit, AP Gov, AP Econ, dual enrollment art, AP Environemental science, advanced steam

Varsity rugby all 4 years
2 week architecure internship
2 week Architecture program at Notre Dame
2 week Architecture program at Georgia Tech
1 week Architecture at the NewSchool of Architecture and design.
Computer science club
Robotics team

Volunteer Work:
Serving food at a homeless shelter
Volunteer at a retirement home
Packing food for haiti and other islands that are in poverty
Collecting donations of stuffed animals at the fair for poor children.

Top 10% on entrance exam to highs school
Two time honor roll junior year for having above a 4.0
Seconds honor roll sophomore year for having above a 3.6 gpa

Have a letter of rec from a VT Alumni

It’s a non-portfolio school so they look strictly at grades. Guess they figure they can teach anyone to design a building or product.


Well, your stats are in the meaty part of the curve for architecture. You have a decent shot. That said, it’s a small program so its very competitive, no one can really tell you more than that.

It’s a big program with a lot of seats compared to other programs so you’ll be fine. The biggest newest building on the Smithsonian Washington DC Mall was designed by a graduate of the North Carolina State Design School. You should apply there also.

Update: my act regular score is now a 32

i had similar stats as far as volunteer hours, GPA, and ACT. I got in ED and I’m OOS, so you should have a good shot.