Virginia tech Class of 2019 regular decision Thread

@bigsalmon23 - OK crystal ball reader - first or second choice? lol.

Around what time today will the decisions come out?

It was 4PM-ish on 2/20 when they released the early round. IIRC, D’s posted about 4:20-ish

Just a couple ‘heads-up’ points; it may be difficult to log-in around the release time due to the high traffic that will be on the site, just be patient and keep trying. Also, make sure you click thru to the last page (2nd?) of your admissions info to see if you were offered admission and which major you were admitted to. The first page will only show what you applied for and I remember each year at this time there were a number of people that just looked at that first page and thought they were in, only to finally realize that was not the case once they fully opened the admissions page.

Good luck to everyone! I’ll be here same time, same place next year sharing the anxiety, awaiting admissions info for my second son who wants to go to Tech, older brother is a sophomore now.

Currently, DS’s page just says “Regular Freshman Applicant”. So there will be another link to the decision page, correct?

Same questions, I think

I’m not really understanding where the decision will be?? Will it be on the application status page somewhere? Or is there going to be a an email with another link? Or a link embedded in the application page?

D is at school, so I will ask her to be sure, but IIRC, she just clicked on the Fall 2015 link in the Application Menu and the page came up with a summary of contact info. Below that was the decision (same page) Term/Type/Decision (in BIG maroon letters: OFFERED ADMISSION). I remember her refreshing the page a few times, LOL.

Based on my understanding:

You go here to login: http://i. imgur .com/PEzQ5AB.png
Then click: http://i. imgur .com/m8qH6gg.png “Application Information”
Then you click : http://i. imgur .com/SkPtvzK.png “Fall 2015”
Then, where the white bar is below the information here will be a bar that says “Decision”:http://i. imgur .com/5i6MT7F.png

I believe that is how it was for those that found out in February… not sure how it will be today, since those in February could assume if they were admitted they received their first choice major.

I remember the decision with the accepted major being at least two links (pages) into the initial log-in page. Had to click on blue links!! Maybe different from a couple years ago…

accepted a while ago with ~25k/year finantial aid.

DS’s just came in. Second choice major. :frowning: Business, not engineering.

I was just accepted to the Economics program!

I cannot believe my eyes! DS was accepted to 1st choice major - Engineering. I am in shock. The first piece of really good news we have received since the whole horrid application process started.

My D was accepted to industrial design. Has anyone seen FA yet? I am at work so did not see the actual acceptance.

Congratulations, everybody!!! S got accepted to his first choice major also! One more college to go and then it’s decision time.

Does anyone know if you click on financial aid award and it says “Invalid Year” does that mean there is no scholarship money with the offer ???

Yes, I think it means $0, because that’s what my S has on his status page, and we did not apply for or anticipate any FA.

Just got accepted to architecture :smiley:

Accepted to Engineering!!! (instate)