Virginia Tech Class of 2025 — Decision Release Date: Mar 1-15

I agree, I cant find anything I want, dont like the redesign at all


S21 submitted his EA app on 11/30. Any idea how long until he gets an email for portal access? TIA!

My son submitted his 11/28 and got the email for the portal today.

Tks – very helpful. My S is not great with email, especially from colleges b/c he gets so many!, so I’m always worried he misses important ones. I bet he gets it by end of the week, so I’ll pester then! :slight_smile:

Yes, VT needs the SRAR too so it’s important they log in to complete that. My son was so worried about missing emails he gave me access to double check to make sure he didn’t miss anything once a week.

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It does like EA decisions typically don’t come out earlier than end of Feb. for those of us OOS - we’ll have to just try and be patient - but it’s not easy!! VT is super popular choice from our high school this year (Massachusetts) so we’ll have to see what happens.

Same for my D’s school. She applied EA & the wait is long. We are in NJ

and not like it was easy to use before either…now it’s a nightmare.

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regarding the ED vs EA dates, that would stink if we have to wait until mid-February. My D should have all decisions for her other schools before Christmas, and to wait another 6 weeks or so for one school is a bummer :roll_eyes: (she applied EA in August).

@glitter21 It does seem late, but I guess it’s because they are essentially choosing the entire class from ED and EA (with only a small number from RD). It’s in line with UVA’s decision date, but later than more competitive schools like UNC and Michigan. I think with so many kids home and unable to do their normal activities the waiting is harder!

@Rivergirl1313 In-state applicants have the same wait. Only applicants from the nearby counties to VT are eligible for the onsite somewhat instant decision.

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@ShenVal18 They call it ‘onsite’ because they used to deliver the decisions in person to the high schools (each student was handed an envelope with their decision). It’s not instant, the students apply a month or two beforehand (the deadline this year was 10/1), but they do find out earlier than ED and it is not binding, so it is a wonderful opportunity for local kids. This year they did a fun drive-through decision pickup at the visitor center. Anyway, just clarifying because the name of it is a little misleading.

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Hi there. Due to the high volume of EA applications received, the portal emails are taking longer than usual to be sent. Once your student receives their confirmation email from our office (not Common App or Coalition), the portal email should be sent the following day. Encourage your student to check their spam/junk folder and if they do not receive it by the end of this week, they are welcome to reach out to to see if there is a reason for the delay.


@VTAdmissions – thanks for your reply! He actually got the portal access over the weekend and has submitted his SRAR, so hopefully he’s set. :slight_smile:


Oh good! Glad to read that - we will be sure to reach out if there is anything additional we need. Early Action SRARs are due by 12/18 so your student is ahead of things!



When will VT start rolling out admissions for EA candidates? This whole process is confusing to me. My DD has applied to a few schools EA and it seems like many start rolling out admissions over a course of weeks or months. Thank you!

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Do the kids have to update the SRAR in any way for quarter 1 grades? Our school is on the semester system so I’m assuming they just need to self-report their grades when the semester fully ends in January. Just wanted to make sure we don’t miss a step though! Thanks!

@CSJA2025 VT does not do a rolling admissions announcements. They rarely deviate from the dates they post for when decisions are announced except by perhaps a day or two. If your student applied EA, they will hear from Tech in February.

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@DoingOurBest Deadline for SRAR looks to be late December, not January. To my knowledge, VT does not consider mid-year changes/grades.

Dates & Deadlines | Virginia Tech (

@VTAdmissions Can you confirm for @DoingOurBest that midyear grades do not need to be entered to update the SRAR ?