Virginia Tech Class of 2025 — Decision Release Date: Mar 1-15


But how is it politics? That doesn’t make any sense.

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Ok :ok_hand:

Money grab*
Enroll as many OOS kids and get as many application fees as possible and u get buckets of money. Its all money thats it.


I guess I don’t understand what you are using ‘politics’ as code for, but that’s fine, I probably don’t actually want to know. Best of luck to your student and to all of the others waitlisted.


It is unbelievable to me how many In state students with excellent grades were waitlisted today. My child was in tears and how do you tell someone there wasn’t anything more they could have done. You take all of the right classes, you get all A’s, you join a lot of clubs, you become a leader, you work 2 jobs, etc, etc. It’s just not enough and so many OOS kids were accepted today. Which is great from a business perspective, but without a lot of merit money one wonders whether this matters and will they choose VT. Having recruited kids out of both JMU and VT for my employer I can tell you that JMU kids were always more polished and on time and could communicate better than kids from VT. VT is not UVA or W&M. This smells of greed to me.


I’m so sorry! It’s so annoying because qualified students are getting rejected. I wish I could give my acceptance to you because I got in but I got deferred from my dream school due to yield control


Anybody know the acceptance rate for early action? Aka how many got in out of how many applied? Seems like it was very competitive this year.

Around 18,000

18,000 got accepted out of how many?

I see nothing wrong with this post… why was this person censored? This is wrong.

42,000! They had a lot more applicants this year, most likely due to COVID

In-state male Stafford County
1570 SAT
8 IB classes 1 AP
4.76 GPA at the end of junior year (4.0 unweighted)
Eagle Scout
National Merit Scholar
multi-sport athlete
many ECs
likely salutatorian at a high-level school
accepted into biological science but not the honors program… The girl that will likely be the valedictorian with over a 4.9 GPA at the end of senior year was waitlisted and I am almost certain she had better credentials than at least 90% of those who have been accepted.

No idea, just telling it like it is. Former alumni here, not going to be donating anymore.


Yep- something just isn’t adding up here. I’m not going to say politics. I am going to say money!

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Mine’s off to Purdue or UM :blush: Good luck to your son!

Generally OOS kids don’t accept at the same rate as in state kids do but 72% of the freshman class at VT are in state kids so I wouldn’t say it is fair to classify them as pandering to OOS when they have a high percentage of their freshman class in state students.

I understand people are upset and maybe rightfully so but I also think it’s unfair to act like OOS kids aren’t deserving of their acceptances or they lower the standards for money.


Even if they wanted to “be greedy” or a “money grab” with OOS acceptances, they are constrained by law in how many they can accept (and VA is one of the more strict states with what percentage of OOS a public institution can admit). For all public institutions you can see the actual data for in-state, out-of-state and even NOVA admits yourself here E19: Fall Headcount: Percentage of In-State and Out-of-State Students as previously posted by @ShenVal18 and the numbers for this year will not be significantly different.


Where do you see the honors acceptance ?

So then it might be fair to say that the large majority of OOS acceptances are for the Engineering school? The rest of the acceptances appear to be majority in state. I believe that’s fair to say. It’s not to say OOS students aren’t deserving of their acceptance, however it does beg the question as to what it’s based on. When so many kids with very high academic credentials were waitlisted. This isn’t the only social media forum discussing this issue. I would say more but I don’t want to get censored again!

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