Virginia Tech Class of 2025 — Decision Release Date: Mar 1-15

Hi there. Yes, students will be notified by email if they are selected off of the waitlist.


@VTAdmissions When can we expect the waitlist offers to start releasing?

Last year was 2nd week of April I think.

@lorgot - Quick Q, as an accepted OOS (we are from CT) with a 3.85 UW and a 4.5W, similar number of AP and SAT, were curious if you received a merit award?

My son has 3.98 UW and 4.75 W and no merit…

In state or OOS? Curious because that makes a world of difference. The major matters too. But when applying to a great in state school, merit is rare in many states (including ours, Uconn). We did receive 3K in merit from VT. Small, but not nothing I guess.

My S has a 3.7/4.1, 1490 SAT, from CT, environmental economics major, 2 varsity sports, pres of non profit, 300+ community service hours, strong ECs. He got 3k merit. Not accepted to honors college.

OOS for Mech E.

hello, we are also near Voorhees. I went to Eastern HS…
would be good to connect if our kids go to VT

Anyone received more that $3K scholarship?

Yes S21 got $3900 and thought I saw someone posted they received $5500, although they had lower stats. So I am not sure it was stat based. Unfortunately COA has probably ruled out VT for him with comparable schools coming in lower. Plus he was offered honors at those schools and no honors at VT. Hoping to have most FA offers in soon so we can make a decision.

As has been said before, Virginia Tech is not known for giving a lot of merit. I think they focus their resources on need-based aid. I know some people feel that their kids deserve merit money (maybe because other schools have offered it) and maybe feel offended that VT didn’t offer it to them, but it’s just not something VT does in a large scale way like some other schools.


Not offended they didn’t offer more, but definitely plays a role in his decision. Beautiful school, great academics, but 100-150k more than other schools needs to be taken into consideration.
Just so you are aware they did not come even close to meeting need.

My comment wasn’t directed to you, and I completely understand it is a financial decision. Best of luck to you.

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Yes - I just received a financial award letter:

  • Virginia Tech Grant $1,000 /year ($500 per semester)
  • VT Scholars Renewable NR $9,000/year ($4,500 per semester)

So total of $10K per year.

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Wow, that is the largest scholarship I’ve heard being awarded OOS, definitely a bit jealous!

D21 was awarded the Julian Burruss scholarship of $3K. He was the president who began admitting women, so maybe its given to females, not sure but we named our first cat after him (Ashby is his middle name) over 20 years ago!

OOS, no hooks, 4.2 GPA, 34 ACT, school doesn’t rank, 9 APs, 2 sport varsity athlete, executive board of a local non-profit that has raised over $1M in her time there, pretty typical honor societies and service involvement, not admitted to honors.

We knew to expect little but hoped for more because we come from a state that is more generous to out of state kids than in-state so getting hit with a double edge sword (little out of state merit, little in state merit). Not sure the dream will be realized for our double legacy gal with a Hokie heart wearing a VT shirt on in her drivers license pic!

It’s not really that the kids feel they “deserve” it, or that merit money itself is the driver. It really comes down to net cost. So in a sense, if Virginia Tech wants to be competitive, they will need to offer money to compete with the net amounts of other schools. Focusing only on need is a choice they can make, but one that will 100% have ramifications - at least in terms of OOS students. They are aware of those ramifications I am sure, and that is part of their current strategy. Purdue is similar. But in the end, a family may be likely to choose an equal value school if the net cost is lower.

Of course, I totally get that. Occasionally there are comments from people who seem resentful to not get merit from a particular school (VT or otherwise), and the truth is that some schools just don’t give a lot of merit. I know it’s disappointing. (Btw, I’m speculating about the focus on need, I don’t have inside knowledge of that)

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Virginia Tech, UVA , William and Mary have no problem attracting many high stat kids. Tons of instate kids have high stats. VT engineering is very popular . Most aid is need based. This info is out there so surprised that OOS families expect merit aid to substantially reduce their cost at VT. Most kids , unless from affluent families, still go to community college, their state schools, or schools that offer significant need based or merit aid if they need it. Good luck with decisions for your kids!


My OOS D got a renewable VT Scholars ($3k). It was a surprise to get anything. VT also has a TON of scholarship opportunities once they’re students there, so they can try to get extra money.

I’m from NC and am always surprised when OOS applicants to UNC and NC State complain about lack of merit. Maybe they didn’t research ahead of time.

It doesn’t seem like VT (or UVA, W&M, UNC, NC State) have any trouble filling OOS spots in their incoming classes.