Virginia Tech Class of 2025 — Decision Release Date: Mar 1-15

Not sure why the post above was flagged - Chip’s comment is very true that admission feedback on CC is very much speculation and guesswork. They should eliminate “chance me” threads entirely.


My son has declined VT Engineering a week ago. Good luck to all in the wait list.

Shameless plug for VT:

For those still considering options, yesterday VT (in partnership with NRHD) vaccinated 3,500 students during a clinic at Lane Stadium that was announced and coordinated only 1 week ago. A majority of the non-medical staff were students/staff who volunteered their time to pull this off - 3 weeks from finals and traditional crunch-time of the semester notwithstanding. That’s the community you or your student could be a part of.


I will throw out there that my son was accepted to VT during the EA process, but we had not been able to see it. He was also accepted at UW Madison, University of Miami, University of Denver, and a couple of others. He was almost set to accept UW Madison, which has been his number one choice since seeing it two years ago. We were not able to see VT due to covid. We decided at the last minute last Saturday to jump in the car (we are in FL) and drive up to see the campus. While the campus had already sold him, we did drive about 20 minutes away for a hike and that 100% sealed the deal! My son loves all things outdoors! He loves Madison, but there was something about Blacksburg and the mountains that is definitely calling to him. He loves the cold, but said he doesn’t need the super cold, just a change of seasons. It also helped, I am sure, that it was a beautiful day and thee were SO many people out and about enjoying the weather playing football, frisbee, volleyball, basketball, etc. He has spent a bit of time getting into group chats to try and get to know people at the schools he was accepted to and he really likes the vibe he is getting from the VT students. :slight_smile: It is so hard for these kids to make this huge decision and that is totally understandable. My son was hesitating as UW is rated higher than VT but his father and I just keep telling him that he needs to figure out where he thinks he is going to feel most at home and happy. If you are happy then everything else will fall into place! I am looking forward to his time in Blacksburg! Go Hokies! :slight_smile:


@Hacsutton Pandapas Pond? If you drive a little further you can go up to Mountain Lake where they filmed Dirty Dancing and hike one of the trails up to Bald Knob or go a little further out and do Cascades. Coming from FL though, make sure he’s got some good boots and winter attire - the wind on the Drillfield can be a real doozy and the weather overall can be a little schizo. He’ll love it there.

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Omg my kiddo is stuck between VT and Wisconsin too! Such a tough decision. We just visited last weekend. Congrats to your son!

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Yes… He absolutely loves Madison also! In the end, though, I think the mountains won it for him. He plays hockey so those lakes were calling him, but I think he decided that with VT he will get cold and a change of seasons but not AS cold for as long. He finally realized that while hockey on the lake would be fun, he was not excited about walking to 8am classes in minus temps lol.

We drove on the Blue Ridge Parkway for a bit on our way home and it was amazing. My son likes hiking and camping but he also loves snow and cold… we shall see!

There is a small ski place about 1.5 hours away that students like to go to for day trips (Winterplace), or you can go a little further for a full-fledged ski resort (such as Snowshoe). VT has a fun club called Snow Club that takes skiing and snowboarding trips together.


Aww that’s wonderful to hear, he will love it here. There’s a reason why so many people come to Blacksburg and decide #thisishome. Congrats!

wdym? stingy with the waitlist in general or just for public health?

I’m trying to decide between Miami University of OH and VTech for biology. If anyone has some insight that would be great. I have done pro/con charts but they come out very close. Miami is offering me a lot but I think that VTech might have a better biology program (possibly).

It appears Virginia Tech started pulling students from the in-state waitlist for engineering and business. Offers were made yesterday evening to several FCPS students. Anyone else?

I think if they are neck and neck on objective measures then start considering quality of life things. Location, climate, size, student body, etc. They both are located in really nice college towns. You have two great choices!

My daughters friend was pulled off waitlist for Biochem last night.

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I was admitted from the waitlist last night for economics.


Was anyone who is in-state admitted off the waitlist for biological sciences?

Has anyone in state gotten off the waitlist for the International Studies major?

My daughter was accepted off the waitlist this week for general engineering.


what day was your daughter accepted? And around what time did you receive the status update? i’m a current waitlisted engineer who hasn’t been taken off yet