Virginia Tech Computer Science

So I applied for the engineering college for cs, and I was wondering how good the CS department is at VTech? I heard that it’s better than NCSU’s CS program, but I’m not sure.

If anyone can give me feedback that would be great!

I’m a junior in the CS program atm. I’d say that if you’re smart, you’ll spend time with the TAs here and soak their knowledge as much as you possibly can. The purpose of attending good programs is to be surrounded by smart people, and you’ll find a lot of above average students and a few genius students/TAs. Befriend the exceptional people you find. The professors/content cover everything you would need to know but studying is mostly on you. It can be tough at times and your first few semesters will try to weed u out so be prepared for that and study your ass off.

With that said, the 10 year salary average outlook for a CS degree at VT is higher than UVA (100k) and GMU (80k). For VT it is $120K.

If you’re exceptional you can easily make $150k-200K out of undergrad, but again, I know of only exceptional students doing this. VT gives you all the opportunities you could want, but its up to you to capitalize on them.