Virginia tech corps of cadets transfer chances

<p>I am a college freshman and have a 3.19 gpa for my first semester and am going to major in Economics. I want to transfer to the corps of cadets, i applied last year but didnt get in. Anyone else trying to transfer into VTCC? LEt me know if I have a shot at getting in and what can improve my chances. greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>what was your GPA last year?</p>

<p>did you apply as a cadet last year?</p>

<p>You have the grades. You need to check the transfer guide on the VT web site and check to see if you are taking the correct math, science, and english courses and call the main office at 540-231-6267, ask for the transfer counselor handling economics.</p>

<p>I’m actually waiting to find out this Friday about transferring for next fall for the Corps of Cadets! Have you done the Spend the Night program they offer? I met a lot of people there and had a couple of interviews which hopefully will help my chances of transferring. Which branch are you looking to go into?</p>

<p>i thought the spend the night program was only for seniors in high school</p>

<p>how are my chances?</p>

<p>2nd year at VCU, 3 semesters completed, 42 credits earned applying to the Corps of Cadets.</p>

<p>3.42 GPA
Completed all the Math, English, Science requirements for transfers</p>

<p>Taking 18 credits Spring 2012, signed up for Corps Stay the Night program already.</p>

<p>I was just going to originally meet with someone to discuss transferring to the Corps of Cadets, but they recommended I also do the spend the night program to get an idea of what goes on. It was a lot of fun.</p>

<p>my gpa in highschool was a 3.2 but my SATs werent strong. I dont think they factor SATs into transfer students though</p>

<p>I have a good idea what goes on becuase I have a good friend that is a freshman there. Im looking at the Marine and Airforce option mainly becuase I heard they are downsizing the Navy and Im not interested in the Army.</p>

<p>I havent done the spend a night program but I should look into it.</p>

<p>I want to transfer to the corps of cadets</p>


<p>The “corps,” with less than three percent of the student population, is a dying vestige of the Civil War.</p>

<p>Having to wear uniforms all day at a state school is IMHO inappropriate and smacks of boys (and girls) who want to dress up and play soldier.</p>

<p>YMMV of course.</p>

<p>Yeah its nothing really new at the Spend the Night Program, but it was fun just being able to talk with other people in the program an see how they do morning pt. Good luck with everything though, maybe I’l see you there next year!</p>

<p>Note - I apologize in advance ahead of any slams or PMs for my post. My wording may have been a little harsh. It was a bad day. And it is just my opinion.</p>

<p>To Mr. Bass…your right to have a bad day and express yourself will be preserved by the 90+ % of the VTCC who will graduate as officers and immediately serve our country to maintain your freedoms. I suggest that even on a bad day, an opinion shared might be more powerful if backed up with facts and knowledge. I am a mom of a VT Cadet and although that may bring a bit of bias to my reprimand of your post, it also is backed up by personal knowledge of the physical, academic and mental rigor of this program. Additionally, the majority of the cadets are Engineering majors in one of the top ranked ENG programs in the country. I’m not sure any of these fine young men and women are “playing” at anything.</p>