Virginia Tech Early Action (Computer Science)

I’ve been getting kind of nervous about Virginia Tech recently. I feel like I won’t make it in. Is there anyone who has similar stats who has gotten into the computer science program at Virginia Tech?
9 IB Classes
3 AP Classes
2 Honors Courses

High school weighted GPA: 3.79 / 4
Online college GPA Calculator: (Unweighted), 3.65 / (Weighted), 4.09

SAT: 610 Math, 660 Reading (1270)

I emailed VTech with extracurricular activities that I did not mention in my application – not sure if this will stand out as bad, but they said that they would add it for consideration in my decision.

// Email along the lines of this//
I have volunteered in many FIRST Robotics Competitions. I have set up and coordinated Robotics Competitions. I have dedicated all four years of my high school experience to Robotics and setting up such competitions.

I have been a member and chapter service leader of Technology Student Association for my entire high school career. I have spent about 15 weeks every year participating and leading a group of students to create and innovate. Every meeting is 4 hours, and I have spent about 12 hours a week leading my team. I have also won an award based on video game design for a New Hampshire Technology Student Association conference.

I have also had a lot of experience teaching students how to construct computers. I have gotten several groups of interested students together within the school in order to teach them how to construct computers. I have done this all four years of my high school career in hopes of raising interest in computer engineering

I did specify some extracurriculars on my regular application, but I felt like I didn’t describe them enough.

I am OOS btw

Probably a toss up in computer science. The math SAT is a little low which probably hurts you a bit. Your probably going to need some other holistic stuff favor your way: Like minority, first in family to college, family legacy, etc.

I would have said odds are in your favor for any major but the engineering dept.

@cbl1 What would you say my chances are?

That’s hard not knowing class rank, difficulty of your school, OOS may help a bit.

Engineering/Computer Science major I’m going to say 45%

If you were a BIT (non engineering) I would have said 70%

Going for Engineering with a 610 Math SAT stands out to me as an issue for admissions.

@cbl1 I go to Bedford High School in New Hampshire. We have a pretty rigorous program here.

@cbl1 To give you some perspective, we had 15 people apply to VTech in 2019 and 10 people got in (According to Naviance)

Did anyone else have a perspective on this? I appreciate any feedback here.

10 of 15 got in (but that also doesn’t take major into account). Is your class rank in the top 15% of your school (do they tell you rank?) With the lower SAT being in top 15% or 10% for that matter will help.

My school doesn’t do ranking. I wish they did, it would probably give us some perspective here.

Do you think that writing the email to them about my extracurriculars was a bad idea? I originally only included three things on my application, and I have no idea why.

They will not look at anything new sent in at this point.

@cbl1 They said that they added it to the application? “The additional information has been included with your application file for review by the admissions committee.”

VT CS is a reach. Fall 2018 (I don’t see fall 2019 numbers) first year engineering students’ SAT math average was 707, so I expect your 610 is below the 25%ile. OOS will also work against you.

Have you applied to match and safety schools for CS? Did you apply to UNH? Have you been accepted/denied anywhere so far?

I did find 2019 numbers, here is the link:

For college of engineering, 2019 average SAT math was 706, 25% 665. They have not loaded major level data for COE either.

Edited to add: admissions data in total and by college. COE class of 2023 (current frosh) acceptance rate 75%. 10,563 applied, 7,970 accepted.

I’ve gotten into Penn State (Harrisburg Campus). I got deferred from WPI for regular decision. I’ve applied to RIT, uFlorida, uMiami, Boston University, and Georgia Tech (I know they’re all reaches). I plan on applying to WIT.

Is Penn State Harrisburg affordable?

Call WIT before you apply…Dec 15 was priority application date, so some majors may be closed. See this page:

Why not UNH?

@Mwfan1921 Good idea. I should probably apply to UNH.

I agree.

Deadline is Feb 1 and they need official test scores sent. UNH is test optional starting this cycle, but you should send your scores…at least based on 2018/19 CDS — 25%-75%ile for EBRW was 550-640 and Math 540-640.

I don’t see COE or CS specific admissions/SAT data…but take a look for that too. I recommend you send your scores tonite, if you think there is a good chance you will apply.

Do you have a GC helping you at school?

I do have a GC helping me at school. She will send out recommendations and my transcript if I email her. I will be sure to send out my SAT.