Virginia Tech Early Decision Results

Anxiously awaiting a response for Early Decision at Virginia Tech. We should hear by 12/15, but in prior years they’ve actually posted earlier in the week. Anyone else waiting?

My son applied regular decision, but he has many friends that applied ED. They are all on pins and needles.

Just checked Virginia Tech portal for status. Seeking ED notification. Portal says “Application not found” – but, application was there this morning with “Early Decision” info on page with chart. Has anyone else checked in recently?

Same here: available this morning, but gone now. Perhaps results will be available Tuesday as rumored?

Honestly…I’m even hopeful for Monday evening. It’s possible that info is being uploaded to day…previous screen view closed while new ones are published. #Hopeful. We’re keeping an eye on the @FollowMeToVT twitter account. In past yeras, they’ve posted updates there on day of notification release.

The site is currently down…maybe that’s good news that they’re doing the next batch of uploads? I did hear from a couple of my son’s classmates that logged in to find they were rejected over the weekend.

The site is currently down…maybe that’s good news that they’re doing the next batch of uploads? I did hear from a couple of my son’s classmates that logged in to find they were rejected over the weekend.

Rejected or just deferred to regular decision?

The ones I am aware of were rejected, not deferred.

Son applied regular decision and also has the ‘application not found’ message.

Let’s hope this is a “scheduled maintenance” thing :slight_smile:

My daughter was notified that early decision decisions will be available after 5 pm tomorrow

@NOVAMOM123 did she hear that from admissions?

Where’d you hear that? Everywhere I see still is telling me Friday at 5:00 pm.

When calling the admissions office about the “no application found” issue, they told her it is just a glitch and also mentioned letting people know if they got in or not tomorrow after 5pm. The office also said that some people got denied over the weekend (which, based on the above posts, appears to be accurate). So, there’s some double hearsay for you to take or leave…

It seems like they fixed the “no application found” issue and nothing seems to be changed or updated. I was hoping to see any kind of update information about the application process.

Actually I noticed that the row below “High School Transcript” has been removed. I think it was something like 1st semester grades.

I also checked over the weekend which was a Saturday to see that I was denied admissions and then I checked just now and they got rid of my application status so I don’t see the denied admissions anymore?? I’m really confused right now did something like this happen before?

@fearlessK where did it tell you that you were declined?

@lastone03 under application data well now its removed but it was application status or decision but it said denied admissions