Virginia Tech ED vs. RD decision timing

Son submitted his VT application a few days ago Regular Decision. According to VT, he will have an answer by April 1.

Based on anyone’s experience, since he applied so early, is there any chance he gets an answer around the same time the ED applicants get their answer on December 15…or sooner?

Here’s some info (see post #7):

Thanks for finding that @longwood

Based on that thread and last year’s timeline, a mid February decision is possible.

Can only students who apply via priority decision instead of regular decision receive merit based aid since merit scholarship applications are due in late December?

there is only early and regular decision deadlines. there isn’t a priority decision deadline. there is a priority deadline for your scholarship application (nothing to do with admission) that you definitely should in. Deadlines are posted on the website. Scholarship deadline is February 15.

My son did RD last year and heard in the first wave which was well before April but not before February IIRC. I’m not sure they even completed his file until I sent the mid-year report.

My son applied RD before the ED application was due. I would not let him apply ED because we would not see other scholarship offers. There are two RD waves of notification. He didn’t hear in the first wave. He was accepted in March into a capped program that admits about 100 students, got into an LLC and got a generous scholarship. He wrote very good essays IMO. I do think his mid year reports were not ready before the first RD decisions were out.

Good luck to all ED applicants expecting an answer today!

Hoping RD decisions aren’t far behind.