Virginia Tech engineering admission chance

Hi, so I was wondering what my admission chances would to to get into Virginia tech and their general engineering program. I’ve taken AP world, AP bio, AP composition, AP US history, and have been in all honors math classes and am currently taking AP physics, AP calc, AP Literature, and AP psychology. My weighted gpa is a 96.5 or a 4.0. Also, my SAT score is a 1210. For extra curricular activities, I was involved in DECA, matheletes, and I am Vice President of the mock trial club. I have also participated in multiple varsity sports, and have received a sportsmanship award in baseball. I am also working on creating a robotic hand in an independent study class.

SAT score is probably too low at this point. I would look to get that up by about 100 points for a much better chance.

If your math SAT score isn’t near a high 600 then you want to retake. The verbal SAT is likely not as big a deal but you still probably want around a 600 on that as well. Are you taking calc in your senior year? Taking the highest available math classes is pretty important. Your GPA seems fine, assuming all your science and math grades are high. Engineering is a crapshoot even with good GPA/SAT.

Your gpa is good, however you SAT is quite below average for the engineering program (1300).Try getting it up to at least a 1300 and you’ll have a pretty good chance of getting in.