Virginia Tech Engineering or Architecture and Design

Here’s my son’s dilemma. He applied to VT with engineering as first choice and A+D as second choice. He was accepted into A+D and not engineering. He wants to study electrical engineering. But I’m checking out the A+D site and the program looks very impressive. It seems that it is actually more selective than engineering. I want to see what opinions CC people have on A+D and whether it may appeal to a kid who wants engineering.

My daughter graduated from VT in 2015 from School of Architecture and Design. She did very well, found jobs in San Francisco and now Australia (more design). My opinion is not an expert one, but as an interested bystander. VT has a good architecture rep even out in CA. I view architecture as a blend of art and analytical engineering–and there is a continuum between those extremes. My impression is that my daughter and VT leans toward the art side of the continuum. I am an electrical engineer and there seems to be a huge difference to me between electrical engineering and architecture/design.

I am also in NoVA. I’m browsing this site because my son is trying to decide between UVa, VT, Georgia Tech for EE in 2017.

To clear it up, they gave him construction management which is in the CAUS. He put it down as his second choice. He’s looking at Bama, RPI, and Tulane as those will give him what he wants and have scholarships.

BTW, I graduated from RPI 34 years ago. I found it very challenging and loved to complain about it while there. Ever heard of the 'Tute Screw?. I grew to appreciate the education I got over the next decade. They really focused on undergraduate teaching, not necessarily the attention-getting graduate research. Not sure if that has been maintained over the ensuing few decades. I will say, in the engineering organization where I work, there are a greatly disproportionate number of RPI graduates that have risen to senior leadership positions. So I would give RPI a good checkout. I can’t afford it for my son.