Virginia Tech ENGINEERING vs University of Michigan ENGINEERING???

I see that Virginia Tech is slightly lower ranked than University of Michigan, but Virginia Tech would end up costing me about 40K while Michigan would be close to 60K. How well respected is VT and how does Virginia Tech compare to University of Michigan in ENGINEERING and is it worth paying an extra 20K to go to U of M?

To companies, a solid gpa and a lot of experience (internships/co-ops) greatly overshadows the name on top of your diploma. Imo i would choose VT. Lots of money being saved too.

OP, have you visited both schools?

this sounds like a better question for Michigan to answer. They need to prove to you why they worth 20k more.

My S got into WPI at 65k a year vs Vtech at 43ish a year. Both great schools, but I think he is leaning towards the cash savings.

Definitely stay instate. No question. Would not recommend spending all that extra money when VT is very highly respected by companies hiring for engineers.

How is UM so expensive - aren’t you in state there?