Virginia Tech Engineering

@VConqueror S didn’t apply to the University of Illinois because he’s interested in attending school in the south – so he applied to for engineering at Texas A&M, VA Tech, University of Florida, UCF, NC State, and George Mason nearby. He got accepted into all of them (VA Tech conditionally) except NC State. U. of Illinois is a good school. For engineering, I heard Purdue is also pretty popular for those applying to the midwest colleges.

Heard today that University of Missouri has lost 35% of its student population since 2015. Yikes. The article said that University of Illinois is aggressively seeking, and succeeding, at convincing Missouri HS grads to come to U. Illinois instead.

Ok I also heard it was extremely competitive in the NoVA region. Does class rank play a factor in that case? I am inside the top half for my class.

You will be primarily compared to other students in your HS who applied to VT, and likely against those who applied to CoE from your school. They have to retain some balance in admitting students - high school, county, region, etc. So you are judged against those in your very immediate area with some general caps on how many admits come from an area. Certainly some HS"s send more students to VT (and other U’s), likely because those schools in the past years have sent students who showed themselves to be well prepared and successful at the University. VT is known to be very stats heavy in admissions so test scores and GPA’s would likely be used to make these comparisons.

Virginia Tech doesn’t so much as focus on GPA as they do grades. Good grades=good GPA but it’s not always the other way around with all the weighting and grade inflation. You should focus on getting challenging courses. Also, I’ve asked VT do they have quotas for NOVA and they have assured me they don’t. VT doesn’t value test scores over grades and classes but you should still do well on them.

Ok thanks, this year I took all IB level courses and have gotten only A’s and B’s in them so hopefully that will help in the admissions process.

You are looking at a decent chance. Just make sure that you write good essays, and do your best in school!

Just got admitted as a transfer into the EGR program myself- - will be there as a junior this fall!


General stats:

GPA: 3.88
Tests: None
Prior Military
Transferring from a VCC
Hundreds of volunteer hours
Overseas experience

The one thing I’m worried about is that in Sophomore year, I got C+ in IB Math and Chemistry. I was out for 2-3 weeks because of a injury and became really behind on a lot of material? For engineering, I feel as if this may waiver my chances…

@VConqueror S got a C+ in IB Math his junior year and (through STEP) was offered the opportunity for admission to Virginia Tech Engineering for the fall. So a C+ isn’t fatal, especially if you can get a solid grade in the subject the following year. FWIW – S is getting an A in IB Math this year. This year, he switched from HL to SL, which was a big help.

What is STEP?

Student Transition Engineering Program. It’s a 5-week program for entering first-year students at Virginia Tech that helps them prepare for the transition into Engineering School.

Oh is this over the summer? From other people I heard that its quite pricey and not completely guaranteed if done over the summer.

It is over the summer and it runs a few thousand dollars. You have to get a “B” or higher in each of the classes and pass the calculus exam, so it doesn’t sound like a heavy lift. You’re right, though – it’s not guaranteed. That’s why S decided on UCF for engineering. With the scholarship, the cost is virtually the same as VT. And the Burnett Honors College gives him priority registration, individualized advising, and guaranteed student housing for up to 4 years, among other things. UCF is also adjacent to one of the nation’s largest technology research parks, so lots of engineering students have terrific co-op/internship opportunities next to the campus. Having said that, Virginia Tech is a great school, and I hope either or both of my Ds apply when it’s their turn!

For university studies, how does the program work. I’ve heard that if you maintain a certain GPA throughout the first semester, you will be able to transfer to the program of your choice in the second semester. Is this right or is the process much more complicated?

@VConqueror where did you hear that? Not good info - that is not how potential University Studies transfer works into CoE. Cannot speak for transfer into other majors.

VT is really discouraging students from attempting to change majors into CoE. Basically you have to take all the 1st year Eng requirements with a minimum 3.2. Think it’s 2 semesters Calc, Chem, Physics, English, plus 2 Eng classes taken sequentially. The latter are not open to non CoE students fall semester, limited seats spring and summer, so the classes are a challenge to get into. Submit application (includes essays) by deadlines and hope. Likely earliest you could apply is end of summer after freshman year. Internal admits are not guaranteed any longer - strictly space available. The higher the GPA, the better your chances but some engineering majors may have no spots available for internal transfers. Given the large incoming freshman class this fall, would think it likely there will be very few spots open in the next year or so.

Call CoE for specifics or ask when you go to visit.

@VConqueror See this link for transfer rules:

Essentially, take 2 semesters of the engineering courses (you cant take intro engineering in the fall, perhaps in the spring and then take intro II in the summer) and are then ordered by GPA to see if you make it in.

As already stated, to transfer into CoE as another major (such as University Studies) can be done at the end of your freshman year (spring semester) at the earliest. You take the same classes as a CoE student–and to get in, just get as best grades as you can. It is solely based off of your freshman year GPA to see if you get in or not.

How hard is it to get into V-tech engineering this fall?
NOVA student
GPA weighted: 3.96 (but i am getting not B’s my first quarter of senior year)
Classes: A in AP Physics, got a B+ in Chemistry, Got an A in Calculus AB and BC and am currently in Multi-Variable
SAT: 790 Math, 720 Reading (superscored)
I have pretty decent EC’s and am applying to
UIUC, Purdue, and UMD for engineering…
Whats my shot at Tech engineering looking like??

Also does V-tech look at your first quarter grades of senior year, or is it only semester, or do they not even look at it at all?