Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>(This was previously a post in the Transfer Student section so I'm moving it here)</p>

<p>So, I saw that last year someone put up a thread for all the transfers applying to VT so I thought why not do the same. We can all talk to each other and post our stats so that we have an idea about how we stand. I'll start.
I'm a sophomore with a 3.1 College GPA, 2.8 HS (that's essentially irrelevant), 1820 SAT
I'm at a four year private liberal arts school which makes it pretty hard to match up the schedules, but I'm taking all the courses for physics majors right now. The reason why my GPA is so low is because of one class my freshman year that was a GE course for all freshman and I had to leave campus for a week due to family issues and my professor took a strong disliking of me after that (in a class graded on her own subjective opinions, it's hard to argue). I've done very well in all my physics, math, and comp sci classes and am applying for the engineering school.
Does anyone have any advice, opinions, or have an idea of my chances of getting in?</p>

<p>I like the idea of a transfer students thread. Honestly, any feedback I give you as to whether you would get in or not would be pretty misguided since I am going through the same thing. But anyways I’m applying after 1 year from GMU…</p>

<p>3.81 at GMU
3.7 HS</p>

<p>I came into college with 19 credits, so I guess I can technically be considered a sophomore (?). But anyways, if anyone has any insight on the transfer process, that would be really helpful.</p>

<p>I just finished my application and sent my transcripts yesterday. I graduated high school in 2011 with a 3.1 GPA and with a 1260 SAT (18xx combined score). I am currently studying biology at ODU and finished my first semester with a 4.0 gpa. Here was my class load for last semester:
General Biology with lab - 4 credits
General Chemistry with lab - 4 credits
Public Speaking - 3 credits
PreCalculus - 3 credits</p>

<p>I’m not a very strong writer so I’m not going to assume that my essays are good. But other than that I’m applying for Biology at Tech and I’m not really sure what my chances are of getting in. I’ll try to keep people posted as to whether I get in or not.</p>

<p>Sophomore at VCU</p>

<p>3.42 College GPA 42 credits</p>

<p>praying to god I get in</p>

<p>freshman at ECU
3.50 College GPA
General Biology with lab-4 credits
College Algebra-3 credits
English 1100- 3 credits
Psychology- 3 credits
COAD- 1 credit</p>

<p>going for Ag Science</p>

<p>I’m a Sophomore at ODU where I’m majoring in Marketing. I have a 3.4 GPA and I have completed 46 credits and am in the process of taking 15 more. I have made Dean’s List two out of a possible three semesters that I’ve been here, one in which I took 18 credits.</p>

<p>I wrote what I believe are very good personal statements in addition to the main essay.</p>

<p>Any feedback about what my chances are? </p>

<p>Also, does anybody know if you’re supposed to send two official college transcripts or just one? On their transfer page, they say that they want two official transcripts from your current university and one for every other university you have attended. I was confused with that so I called the admissions office today and I talked to a lady who said that we only needed one, but she sounded rather unsure. Can anybody give me any insight as to what the requirement is?</p>

<p>wrjosh, what major are you going for and what classes have you taken?</p>

<p>VTLupe, I think you have a very good chance at getting admitted. What major are you going for?</p>

<p>I’m applying to Pamplin (business). Bad thing is that I have only 1 semester done</p>


<p>we have pretty similar stats…I applied Liberal Arts (sociology)</p>

<p>VTLupe, having one semester done can be somewhat of a disadvantage but with your stats, I don’t think it really matters. I think your chances are very good.</p>

<p>wrjosh, yeah man pretty much. I’m just nervous because Business is one of the more competitive schools to get into at Tech. I know that the average GPA for transfers is higher for business, engineering, and architecture. I also think that you have a pretty solid chance at getting accepted.</p>

<p>Does anybody know the answer to my question in my previous posts?</p>

<p>can someone chance me? I don’t think Ag Science is that competitive but I have only been in school 1 semester. I got a 3.5 with the courses I listed above. Also got my English professor to write me a letter of recommendation. (He went to undergrad at Tech and also got his Master’s at Tech)</p>

<p>Virginia Community College and have applied for transfer to Virginia Tech. The reason why my GPA is a bit low is because I was working full time my first year and it was hard to balance out my school work and my full time job. I am in my last semester here and my cum. GPA will likely rise to a 3.15-3.2 by the end of this semester. This is my 4th semester, so after this semester I get my AS. I have already applied to Virginia Tech with this GPA=CUM GPA: 2.94, 50 Credits (Earned), can someone give me any advice, I am pretty nervous because my GPA isn’t above a 3.0</p>

<p>can someone chance me please, thank you^</p>

<p>I’m coming from SCAD- I did a year and fall quarter there and now I’m at NOVA.
HS- 3.6, rejected from Tech, SAT 1890.
College GPA, 3.3
I’m applying as a studio art major, if that helps. Chance me?</p>

<p>i think you’ll get in. i hear they are a lot easier on transfers but thats just what i’ve heard. i just wish we didnt have to wait so long. I applied early last year, got rolled over to regular admission, waitlisted, and denied in june when they finally had to let people know. They told us they only took people from the College of Natural Resources off the waitlist</p>

<p>that was to VTHope but i dont think you’ll get denied with a 3.3. I emailed the head of my department and he said the main thing was that you take the necessary math, english, and science and get a 3.3 or over</p>

<p>Okay, thanks! I’m at NOVA at the moment taking a bunch of classes, like my science lab, and a fourth year of German. I took two years of English at SCAD (it was an art school so I wasn’t taking many classes other than drawing and VSFX ones.) I took Psychology there, I’m taking more Psychology now, as well as a Criminology class. I talked to admissions and there should be no problem. I don’t think they require too much for me as an art student, but I still want to have enough, or more than enough.</p>

<p>I heard that they might check back with me if they’re on the fence about my acceptance and request the grades I have so far, which would be great. I’m getting all A’s there.<br>
I want in so bad!</p>

<p>I checked Virginia Tech’s website and it said that a (3.0) would be competitive, however I have a 2.94 from NVCC would it also be competitive or not? I know that its not a 3.0, however its in the near range…My GPA will bump up to a 3.2 by the end of this semester… but then Virginia Tech does not look into that…I will be getting my AS degree as well… sigh… Im so worried >_></p>

<p>whehokie, i sent you a PM btw.</p>