Virginia Tech Fall 2023 Waitlist

Let’s use this thread to post any information on
Virginia Tech Fall 2023 waitlists


We are still getting the Agriculture non degree link when we hit ’ Accept Waitlist '. anyone else? Very frustrating and they are likely closed on Monday for the holiday so won’t hear back until Tuesday.

The waitlist isn’t ranked and there is no benefit to “responding early” - so wouldn’t stress about not getting it resolved immediately. Frustrating system glitches for sure but it’s not disenfranchising anyone.


I wish once you click on yes to the waitlist they would send an email to acknowledge you are on the waitlist.


In case anyone is wondering, last year nearly 600 students were on the waitlist and it looks like 100% of waitlist was eventually offered admission. Of course, it may be different this year.


I saw that too. Maybe there is hope.

My son got an email from VT admissions this morning telling him that it was indeed a glitch, getting that Agriculture non-degree link. They have fixed it and also, if you click on the button to reply to the waitlist offer, it now takes you to another page showing your selection - which I assume is a way to confirm that you indeed accepted a place on the waitlist.

We were pleasantly surprised by the quick email reply and they also confirmed that my son is now on their waitlist.


Weird that you are still getting that agriculture link. When you click on the button to reply to the waitlist, you should see your student’s response - that you clicked Yes to the waitlist offer.

My daughter definitely wishes we would have looked at the data set. She chose Elementary Education which was a first year program last year and only admitted 50 in-state students which makes it one of the most selective majors. :pensive: She has done everything she could including Teach for Tomorrow 1 & 2, internships to include special education pre-kindergarten and peer mentoring kids with disabilities at her high school. She applied ED, deferred and now waitlisted. She knows kids from other NOVA counties that were admitted with lower GPAs and of course OS kids with substantially lower stats. If we would have researched more, she would have selected early childhood education since that’s really her passion and that admit rate is much higher. It’s so disappointing because she wants to stay in Virginia and ultimately be a teacher. Now, she is going to go to Penn State and have to add a year of graduate school after to be able to achieve her goal. I am so so sad for her. Her best friend which is first generation and URM was admitted ED to the same major which she only selected because of her and to top it off, she wants to be business major and plans on either changing her major or not going at all. The whole thing is just so frustrating. Clearly, I am venting. And to make it even worse, her twin was admitted to early childhood education yesterday. She does not plan to go to Tech; she was deferred at UVA, but most likely will end up at Wisconsin with a substantial Dean’s academic scholarship award from the College of Education. Anyway, we do have a high stats friend that was deferred ED and outright rejected yesterday with a 4.3 and 1560 SAT. Overall, I am just conflicted and disappointed. We are trying to hold out hope, but given the major, doubt there will be much movement.

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Can someone help me understand who gets offered spots off the waitlist if it isn’t ranked? Is it completely random?

Tough situation for sure. At the information session a couple of weeks ago one of the admissions deans had said that if you don’t get in another option is through transfer. He also said that if you’re considering that path - the best guidance is a semester or two at a community college since those classes are “designed to transfer” versus another 4 year program where the credit may not transfer. For a kid that had their sights set on VT - going to CC might seem like a knock down but if they had their heart set on it, it is another option. Best of luck in the decision making process.


Anyone here is likely guessing - but I’ll throw in my guess. :slight_smile:
They offered admittance to kids that most highly embody the stats and qualitative characteristics of what they’re looking for. In many cases within programs there’s not enough slots to accept them all. Those kids go on the waitlist.

Until they know they have openings within program X they don’t know who to go looking back at the pool for. My guess is they try to balance out more than just academic rigor. If they have a large # of males decline the offer they might go back to the Waitlist looking for males. Similarly IS/OOS. So no, it’s not ranked but it’s not “pick a name out of a hat” either.


Makes sense and is as good a guess as any!


So frustrating and I’m sorry for your daughter. It does seem like she did so much within her intended major! My son was waitlisted (NoVA) for engineering (EA) and he was pretty disappointed. It’s so hard because they second-guess all their decisions to date, etc etc. It’s a life lesson for sure. We are holding out hope for admittance off the waitlist and from what I read from previous years, it seems there’s some sporadic offers through March, then some in April and into May until seats are filled. Obviously depends on how things go within each college and every year is different from a numbers standpoint. But we are moving on for now and Penn State is actually a solid contender as he’s into their engineering college and he liked it when he saw it. He’s scheduled to go to one of their admitted students engineering tours soon that will be helpful for him. Good luck to your daughter and I hope she gets into VT!


Good luck to your daughter!

Did you send admissions a separate email inquiring about the glitch?

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My son still has the non degree agricultural heading on his page too. I wonder if they are fixing it case by case. He sent them an email and hasn’t heard back yet. As I said in the EA thread he will call Monday if not resolved and I’ll report back. It’s very disheartening to see technical issues. You can’t help but wonder if it somehow affected something during the review process.


@vamom4 this is not correct. My son was waitlisted last year and never got off. Neither did two of his closest friends.

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So the common data set data is not accurate? :grimacing:


The common data set numbers are misleading.

2,458 were offered admission FROM the waitlist
592 accepted the VT offer and enrolled.

Round numbers:
VT receives 50K applications
They accept 28K of them (~55%)
That leaves 22K to reject or Waitlist. Lets estimate that’s 50/50 - so there’s probably 10-12K kids that get offered waitlist. Lets estimate again that 50% of the offer accept… so the waitlist is 5-6K kids - and I could envision it actually being much larger.

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