Virginia Tech Fall Transfer 2021

I’ve read through previous forums and didn’t find a transfer one for 2021 fall so feel free to add anything. I was wondering if decisions will be released in waves because I’ve read this on other forums. Or will they all be released on April 15th at 5PM?

Should be all at once

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If it’s all at once could it possibly be released April 2nd?

They tend to do things fairly similar year to year and last year it was April 15

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Here we go again…round number 5 with these people
Deferred, waitlisted, not taken off waitlist, ‘rejected’ (got that ‘special opportunity’ to turn my spring application into a fall one so I didn’t receive a formal rejection) for spring…here I am again for fall 2021
College GPA: 3.776
24 credits this semester, 24 credits last semester
74 credits (88 counting AP tests)
Member of PTK Honor Society
Received several merit scholarships
Didn’t get to change my essays, so they’re either a hit or a miss (stayed true to myself, but that’s not always a good thing anymore in this political climate)
3x Legacy, not that that helps anymore
Was personally reached out to by transfer coordinator bc there was a problems with my SRAR (don’t know if that means anything of if there is just a low number of transfer students)

You can’t transfer in with more than 60 credits

22 of them were dual enrollment credits, leaving me with 52 credits I’ve taken outside of dual enrollment and AP; I’m hoping this is a loophole because I haven’t been notified otherwise and Ive frequently contacted the transfer coordinator. I’ve already been accepted other places so I’m hoping Tech will take me too.

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24 credits per semester? Am I misreading that?

Agreed, that’s a suspiciously high number that’s pretty much impossible at any normal college lol

Nope, you’re not misreading. My community college is all online and only 2 classes are synchronous, the rest of them are all asynchronous so I can fit them all in! I had to go up the chain of command to get special approval from department heads to take on so many, but it worked last semester so they let me do it again.

My community college is all online and only 2 classes are synchronous, the rest of them are all asynchronous, so I can fit them all in! I had to go up the chain of command to get special approval from department heads to take on so many, but it worked last semester so they let me do it again.

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Great to see you back hopefullhokie24 - hopefully 5th time is the charm then!

any idea of a specific release date yet


10 days my guy :alarm_clock:

Someone posted today that transfer decisions will be released Monday April 12. Scroll down a bit to transfer applicants section.


What time :interrobang:

I don’t know but usually it’s around 5pm EST. So 3pm for us out here in Colorado. Good luck!!

I’m confused! earlier the link above said today April 12th now it says the 15th! Do you all still think we will find out today?

No. It was April 15 last year. I bet 4/12 was a goof. Argh!!