Virginia Tech - Freshman Dorms

DD just got accepted for the Fall 2018. She is OOS and doesn’t know anyone who attends Va Tech.
So can anyone here make any recommendations for freshman co-ed dorms? Any particular dorms to try to avoid?
I know she would prefer suite style to hall style if possible. Thanks!


You should look at the red dit forum. Its pretty helpful.

Thank so much! WIll check that out!

Unless you apply to a living learning community, dorms are randomly assigned based on room type preference. In other words, you can’t pick a specific dorm…

How are roommates selected? Are they assigned or would she need to find one herself? My D is OOS and doesn’t
know anyone.

So I went on reddit as suggested and someone said that once you get your PID, you will be given access to more housing information and a questionnaire/bio to help pair you with a roommate … some sort of way to enter a short BIO and have access to others’ bios. I don’t know for sure yet because even though we just put down the enrollment deposit, we don’t seem to have this PID access yet. Super frustrating because I feel like they have just dropped the ball and told us nothing. University of South Carolina gave us a whole list of next steps and really provided a guide through the process.

@KorieBird When I put down my enrollment deposit, there was a link to create a student ID/PID. You might want to try contacting the school if you missed that link because I’m not sure if there’s any other way to get to it.

@Is2018 So we seemingly did create a PID but when we try to login to Hokie SPA nothing happens. We don’t get in - the page just stays there. I’ll call them this afternoon when my daughter gets home.

@KorieBird That’s so weird. I know that their RezStar housing website is down for maintenance until the end of the day today, but HokieSPA should be working. Fingers crossed that you get this figured out!

@KorieBird We had the same thing last night. I thought that we created the PID, but I must say it is a very convoluted process, and I am not positive…
I saw the following message that it said it will take some time to get access to the HokieSPA:
Create your Virginia Tech PID
After allowing one week for us to create your student record, go to Hokie SPA and follow the instructions to create your PID and password. After you successfully create your PID, return to Hokie SPA to complete the remaining steps. If you are having problems creating your PID, check out our helpful hints.

If you figure it out, let me know. Thanks.

HokieSpa is very temperamental and very frustrating. If you are just getting blank screens or getting no progress when clicking buttons and arrows, try a different browser. I use Google Chrome for everything, but for some reason I need to use Internet Explorer for HokieSpa - very annoying.

I believe last year was the first year that students were given time slots and actually able to pick their dorms and rooms. Past years had been randomly assigned.

@wlnc – my daughter hasn’t made a decision but maybe they could be roommates? lol We could set them up, like a blind date.

@imstacey - My D has also not decided anywhere definitive yet, but if she does decide on VT I’ll get back with you. We are just gathering as much info as we can right now.

@KorieBird If you cannot figure out how to do it, the acceptance package they sent tells you how to set up the PID. I don’t remember the process of doing it besides going to HokieSPA and clicking create PID. I remember reading in the letter that the PID had to be created a few days AFTER the matriculation fee.

So I called the help desk today about my PID/Login problems. I use CHrome on a Mac. Super helpful guy on the phone. FOr some reason I needed to change my Chrome setting in Incognito and then it all worked great! Except the housing portal (RezStar) is down for service for today.

D went on StarRez housing portal and answered the few questions about roommate preferences. Then she did a search to see who else is out there. A few profiles showed up and some had a short bio about themselves. She can’t find where to enter that bio information about herself. Anybody familiar with this? Thanks.