Virginia Tech Freshmen 2018 - Waitlist

It seems like an abnormal amount of people were waitlisted, can anyone share their experience , stats, or information on the subject?

It seems like a ridiculous amount of people from my school at least got Waitlist/Denied, significantly more so than 56%, and of the kids who did get accepted, they were the ones who were using it as a safety and 80% of them won’t be attending. I understood this year was significantly more difficult but this seemed extremely polar opposite of last year results for my school. Any thoughts or ideas?

It seems that every other year VT goes more selective. I guess this is that year. It could be a good sign for those on the wait-list however.

My son was waitlisted with a 3.8 unweighted GPA. We are OOS. Last year, 17 out of 18 students were accepted to VT. We didn’t consider VT a safety school, but definitely did not expect this outcome. We are so disappointed bc VT was son’s #1 choice. He is going to stay on the waitlist , but will have to make other plans before the 5/1 deadline.

@reins317 Understand the timing stinks. My son’s year, one of his friends was on the waitlist, accepted somewhere and then found out in May he got in to VT. He rescinded his other acceptance, they were kind enough to refund the deposit and he happily graduated from VT in Engineering. You just never know. Best of Luck.

@NovaBoi10 Same for my school. Polar opposite. Last year, all but two kids didn’t make it. This year, out of 15+ engineering applications (we’re in an engineering focused center) only 3 made it, while at the same time, we have multiple wait lists and rejections. I didn’t apply engineering however, so I’m hoping I can find a spot in the BIT program. Will be visiting VT soon for a robotics competition and getting a tour, so that’ll be interesting.

For me, 4.0 1240 3 Ap’s multiple EC, NHS, NSHS, Mu Alpha Theta, Robotics, etc.

@bboop42…thanks for the vote of confidence. If my son was meant to be a Hokie…it will happen. If not, he will already be enrolled at a school. This whole process is overwhelming and stressful. As soon as I get him settled into college, I start the process with his younger sister.

@reins317 Been there done it twice. Youngest was waitlisted at VT a few years ago, then got in and turned them down and stayed with JMU. Said if they didn’t want me to begin with, I don’t want them. Not sound logic, but I let him make the decision. He has had four wonderful years at JMU, loves Geology, went to Ireland for a 6 week class and if starting a Master’s degree in the Fall. Guess he was right. Whatever happens, our kids make the best of it.

@reins317 My son was also waitlisted. He has a 3.95 unweighted GPA, 1400 SAT/31 ACT and a legacy. We too are out of state. We foolishly thought VA Tech was a sure thing for him. The only reasoning we can come up with is demographics and, perhaps, his decision to major in Political Science. Our neighbor across the street was selected. Her scores aren’t as high, but she will be majoring in Biology. Super excited for her, but completely baffled by the process. We are definitely anxious about remaining schools on son’s list!

I am concerned about my second choice major. I put Engineering as my first and was wait listed, but I would not mind attending for University Studies. A few of my friends were directly accepted to their second choice major but I do not know the whereabouts of mine, anyone know any info regarding this topic?

@Murphy93 Your son’s stats are awesome! I would have thought VT was a sure thing for him too. He should have no problem getting into his other schools. Best of luck through the rest of this college acceptance process.

@reins317 Best of luck to your son too! It certainly is a trying process for both students and parents!!

Daughter waitlisted 3.8W, 1210 SAT, non engineering, 4 year varsity athlete, leadership, 160+ service, very strong essays, legacy.

Does anyone know how the waitlist works. I’ve heard it is totally random like drawing names out of a hat. I can’t believe that is how it works.

Daughter waitlisted 3.8 UW,1310 SAT, applied to Architecture. I hope she gets in.

@TouristHistory For Engineering applicants, if they are waitlisted, it means they considered both the 1st and 2nd choice major and you are waitlisted for the university. What did you list as your 2nd choice major when applying? I know this is disappointing, but hopefully things will work out.

My daughter and several friends from her high school were also wait-listed; slightly over 4.0 gps, varying but well-within Tech SAT range, and legacies. Their waitlist is unranked, and they were over enrolled last year so did not take any from the WL, so we are treating it like a rejection. We are in NOVA, and I know they had another record setting number of apps (32,000), but we are still pretty shocked - and disappointed - as a 3rd generation legacy, my daughter REALLY wanted to be part of the Hokie Nation! But, she’s resilient and will move on to consider her other options…

I talked to admissions and May 15th is the earliest they will start pulling from the waitlist and it definitely could be the end of June IF any spots become available.

I was waitlisted from architecture as well, 3.6 UW 32 ACT. Tons of architecture ECs like summer programs and an internship

If it matters, I was waitlisted with a 3.97GPA, 1240SAT, and ok ECs. Thought my essays were good too. Applied for business undecided.

@ffxcountymom - see below