Virginia Tech help

<p>Hey guys.
I've been accepted to VT and its been my number 1 for a while but now I'm kind of having a couple doubts.
I'm from NJ, and didn't get into Rutgers. So I am going out-of-state but who knows may transfer back.
Is VT's OOS tuition really worth it? I'm going for business</p>

<p>Can you tell me why YOU love VT, what makes it really great for you?
It just feels like to huge and not cohesive, maybe I'm wrong, i dont know.</p>

<p>whats the best thing about pamplin?</p>

<p>sorry for load of questions but just in need of info & reassurance as to why it was my number one to begin with</p>

<p>I can tell you why I chose not to go to VT. Location, location, location. Blacksburg is surrounded by a very rural area. I don’t know too much about their business program, but I don’t think it’s their best program, considering they are a land-grant college. Here’s my two cents, it’s not worth paying OOS tuition unless you absolutely love the school and the program you will enroll in.</p>

<p>How is a county with 100,000 inhabitants, within a statistical area of 150,000 inhabitants, bordering the 500,000K Roanoke Metro area considered “very rural.” Thanks for your meaningless input.</p>

<p>Eh, Blacksburg does have sort of rural surroundings. There are cows and stuff. The good news is that Blacksburg is a great college town, there is a lot to do in Cburg, and Roanoke is really close (if you have a car.) </p>

<p>As far as OOS tuition goes, that depends on your other choices and financial situation. The school is pretty big but depending on your definition of ‘cohesive’ I think you’d be pleasantly surprised.</p>

<p>I think its pretty fair to consider VT “rural” when comparing it to a school like Rutgers. Honestly, Id say visit VT and make sure you want to go here before shelling out the OOS tuition.</p>

<p>@collegeminded: What are your options? Since you did not get into Rutgers, you are comparing VT OOS tuition to what? You can attend for a year and then transfer if you do not like it. S2 did not liked VT because its too rural, but many of my friends kids go there and loves it. You should visit before making the decision if you have other options.</p>

<p>GoTechGo, when comparing Blacksburg to NOVA or NJ in general, it is very rural.</p>

<p>UM if you are from NJ, Blacksburg is incredibly rural. I actually can’t think of anywhere in NJ that I would compare Blacksburg to, especially if they were considering Rutgers. Rutgers would be similar to attending VCU. </p>

<p>That being said it is a beautiful place and many times colleges that are in college towns, have a lot more to do for the students because that is their business. Compare it to Rutgers NB, the city does not exist for the students, it exists because J & J is headquartered there. Look at the bigger dynamics of the campus than the size of the town it is in. Do you like sports? If you are going to go to the football and basketball games, than during the fall you will be at the games, not shopping the mall. If you don’t like sports, but like going out to the mall, than yes, I would say it is going to be too small of a town for you.</p>

<p>If you liked Rutgers NB campus, but not Cook than maybe it is not the right fit for you. If you like Princeton University campus, the look(stone buildings) and the feel of the town, than you should be fine.</p>

<p>Many kids from NJ apply to UMD because they like the college feeling like Tech, but need that city life like DC. If UMD is more of a place you would feel comfortable with than again I think it will not be a good fit.</p>

<p>However, all of that said, if you haven’t gone, than take the ride and make your choice when you see it.</p>

<p>I agree with the above messages. Paying OOS tuition is a lot to pay for a college that you haven’t even visited yet. I was told that Virginia Tech doesn’t have the best business program (I haven’t seen it personally) compared to JMU. </p>

<p>Who knows though - visit the college and maybe you’ll change your mind!</p>

<p>bump and</p>

<p>what other colleges were you accepted to? maybe make the comparison from there, especially if you can’t come down to visit.</p>

<p>it’s quite rural, true. business is not VT’s best major, also true.</p>

<p>VT’s real pluses are really the community, the surroundings…peaceful, awesome landscape during fall, hikes… outdoorsy stuff, basically. life sciences, architecture, enginerring are def good.</p>

<p>idk, i love blacksburg haha. though i’m coming from international… so… yeah</p>

<p>this thread has discussion about vt’s business… if you wanna check it out. seems like it’s all pro-vt though. haha <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;