Virginia Tech Honors Housing Application - The Last Page

<p>I'm not sure if this is a new addition to the honors application, or if it has always been this way. But on the last page of the honor's application (which you only fill out if you want to be considered for honors housing), it reads:</p>

<p>"Fill this page.
Please do NOT call the office or inquire about what we want here. It is completely up to you.
Read narrative on page 1 for insight."</p>

<p>Just curious- what did you put on your last page? Or what are you planning to put? If anyone has been accepted to honors housing as a freshman in the past, did you stick to a traditional essay, or do something more 'creative'?</p>

<p>And in case anyone wants to see it, here is the narrative from page 1:</p>

<li>Honors Housing is about community, excellence, and creativity. University Honors encourages all those things in our students, but we want members of the houses to be committed to those notions in a particularly intentional way. We are looking for interesting, creative people. We assume that they will be top-notch scholars. We expect them to value the notion of community to such an extent that they will commit their energy, time, and wisdom to contributing to and developing a vibrant community in either Hillcrest Hall or the Honors Residential College. And our experience tells us that what makes people best able to excel and contribute to community is their creativity.</li>

<p>So we are looking for particularly interesting scholars. Do you stand out in a classroom setting? Do you have projects that have made your teachers go ‘wow’? Are you a leader in your current community, making a difference in people’s lives? Do you write poetry or music that has caught someone’s attention? Have you lived or studied in an area of the world that makes you think differently? </p>

<p>If any of these is the case (or some other experience that makes you interesting), then let us know! Honors communities are cooperative, supportive places rather than competitive, cut-throat places. Come make friendships for a lifetime. Come to help others flourish; come be helped by others to flourish the best you can. Come and be interesting.</p>

<p>I have the same question!! I’m at such a loss for what to put. I wrote a page long informal essay about why I love to do everything that I do, and I explained a few big accomplishments, I hope that’s okay.</p>

<p>This is a little late, but if anyone applying next year is wondering, I wrote a somewhat abstract essay on a personal experience and how it influenced who I am and my outlook on the world. I was just accepted to both the University Honors Program and Honors Housing.</p>

<p>I was accepted, but I didn’t write an essay. I tried to be unique, so I did a collage of a bunch of pictures of me doing different things that they value in honors, and then printed out logos of stuff that you can’t take pictures of, but I am still involved etc kinds of things, then added some quotes scrapbooked over it in parts and cut out magazine letters to spell out my double major: statistics and political science</p>