Virginia Tech Honors or UVa engineering?

I was accepted into the honors program and housing for vtech, and I was also accepted into UVa. I will be studying engineering and don’t know which to pick… UVa has a better title, but vtech has the better ranked engineering program.

My S is in this same situation. I’ve been gathering facts and figures about each school, but I think he’s just going to the accepted student days and see which one “fits” him better. It’s a good problem to have - they are both great schools.

My niece graduated one year ago from VT - undergraduate degree in engineering. She’s at UVA now - PhD program engineering. She was very well prepared from VT and found many courses had material already covered at VT. Just one data point for you to consider.

I’m in a similar situation except OOS and with Rodman at UVa and an MIT acceptance. I am leaning towards Virginia Tech because of the engineering there and the community, but I am hoping for more merit aid before I entirely commit. Mind helping me out if you can?

Congrats on your acceptance to two excellent schools. Honors and engineering are very difficult to get into at VT; getting accepted to UVa in general is very difficult. I won’t address prestige perceptions, but since you noted rankings, I’ll highlight USNews: Graduate engineering (2014): VT 21, UVa 39; undergrad engineering (2013; sorry, I don’t have more recent data): VT 16, UVa 34. Both are beautiful campuses with a lot of tradition and school spirit. Visit both during accepted student days, and you should get an idea of which fits you better.

Thanks everyone! The info is extremely helpful!