Virginia Tech Honors Question

<p>DS has applied to VT regular decision and wants to be considered for the Honors program. Should he go ahead and submit the Honors application now, or wait for an invitation to the program? He has a 34 ACT, 3.91 UW gpa, is top 3% of his class at a very large competitive public high school and is applying for the college of engineering. Lots of EC's, leadership positions, varsity athlete, volunteer hours and work experience. We are OOS...</p>

<p>He qualifies so yes, he should go ahead and apply.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if applicants’ chances are affected by the honors housing option? Does VT view the honors application differently if a candidate wishes to reside with the general population?</p>

<p>Correct me if I’m wrong but the housing application is separate. If you have the opportunity take a look at East AJ dorm during a campus visit. The dorm is really really nice. The rooms may be slightly smaller than available in other dorms but I think most residents in EAJ and WAJ are happy with their housing decision.</p>