Virginia Tech How Does Deferment Work?

Does anyone know, if you got accepted to Virginia Tech, and they agree to defer your entrance for a year (so you’re taking a gap year), do you have to go to VT at the end of your deferment year (i.e. can you in the meantime apply to and choose a different school)?

It’s in their FAQs - you’ll pay a deposit.

Guess if you don’t go back, you’ll lose your deposit.

There’s also some - if you take a job out of state and come back, you could lose residency - if you have it.

Good luck.

Deferred Enrollment

Students offered admission may request a deferral of up to two years before entering Virginia Tech after accepting their offer of admission and paying their deposit by the deadline.

  • Email the deferral request to by June 15 (Summer and Fall applicants) or December 15 (Spring applicants). You will receive a form to fill out requesting your deferral.
  • Deferred students may attend a community college during the deferment period with the understanding that poor academic performance in those courses may negatively impact the offer of admission.
  • Students granted a deferral are expected to begin their studies at Virginia Tech for the approved entry term.
    • Subsequent requests for deferment are not guaranteed and decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the review committee.
    • If a subsequent deferral request is denied, the student must enter Virginia Tech in the approved term, or reapply for admission for the desired entry term.
  • All deferred first-year students will be subject to the first-year on-campus residency requirement upon enrollment at Virginia Tech, regardless of whether or not they have pursued additional college work and no matter the number of credits pursued during the deferral.
  • A deferred first-year student who has pursued college work during the deferral period and wishes to instead return in a transfer status will need to contact our office at
    • These students may apply for on-campus transfer housing as outlined on or pursue off-campus housing options once the student’s record has been updated to a transfer status.
  • All transfer students who defer will be regarded as transfer students upon their return.

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