Virginia Tech major: Computation modeling and data analytics

My son was accepted into this major at VaTech. Just curious if anyone has any insights into the program. (True confession: I didn’t know he had applied as this major - although it sounds like something he would enjoy.)

I also applied and was accepted into this major! I didn’t think there would be anyone on CC who doing CMDA as well, so this is a pleasant suprise :slight_smile: I did a lot of research and the key points I picked up is that the head professor of CMDA, Professor Embree, was previously a professor at Rice and only around 300 applied for this major this year (crazy right???). I don’t know much about it, but I know the Professor Embree will be a great professor because he came from a reputable university and has great reviews! Best of luck to your son!

The Pamplin College of Business has significant plans for the Data Analytics Program. You should look around the website if you haven’t already. You might want to review their five-year Implementation Plan which has several sections directly addressing Data Analytics. Here is the link: At the end of the Implementation Plan is a section of Peer Schools. This might help you if you are trying to make comparisons.

@GradandMom I believe that the major, Comp Modeling and Data Analytics, is in the College of Science, not the Pamplin College of Business. If you go to this website (, click on the degree name, it is categorized under the College of Science.

My son also applied to this major and has not heard yet - hope this is not a bad sign! We are hoping for good news on March 17. We applied to a couple of other schools solely because they had this major (Miami of Ohio, Denison) but we are VA residents so hoping that Tech works out for him. It is a very hot area with tons of job possibilities. Hopefully my son will see you in class this fall!

Update: my son received an email from one of the advisors who answered some of his questions. First, 2017 is the first year they will have graduates in this major - 25. They have been recruited by large companies: Visa, Boeing, Booz Allen are names I remember. I think they all have jobs! My son is excited.

@Leafyseadragon Wow, that’s great to know! Thanks for sharing! :slight_smile: