Virginia tech on lockdown

<p>So - if you are on campus right now - what's happening?</p>

Update at 10:25 a.m. ET: The school's website says three young people attending a camp at Virginia Tech reported seeing a man holding what may have been a handgun, the Associated Press reports.</p>

<p>They said it was covered by a cloth or covering of some sort, and that the man was walking in the direction of the volleyball courts.


<p>It sounds like it was probably nothing, but VT is going to be cautious for obvious reasons.</p>


<p>I’m taking summer classes here, and yes, we are on lockdown.</p>

<p>My classes were canceled today, so I’ve just been cooped in my dorm. Nothing bad has happened, and there’s tons of police cars searching the area.</p>

<p>Scary thing is, is that I was walking next to Dietrick Hall (the place where the gunman supposedly was) when I received the VT Alert, but I didn’t see anyone matching the description.</p>

<p>But, as far as I know, nothing bad has happened!</p>

<p>BTW, we have been on lockdown for 3 hours now, and I’m starting to feel that it was just a hoax. </p>

<p>Not a bad idea to be cautious, though</p>

<p>At this point - it looks like it was nothing - but you never know and I think VT responded appropriately and this was a good drill for all involved. </p>

<p>The 3 campers who reported seeing the man with the supposed gun are being described as “children” - but no ages given. I’m not sure what this man might have been holding that looked like a covered gun - we may never know.</p>

<p>For those of you on campus - do you feel the notification was handled well? Are you receiving updates? How were you notified if you were outside? Text on cell phone? I guess we can assume every student carries their cell phone with them at all times? I’m just curious whether they use some type of loud speaker system besides email/text.</p>

<p>I’m not sure about a hoax - for 3 kids to make up this man - down to the description of a polo shirt with vertical blue stripes, gray shorts and brown sandals - I think they really saw a man they thought was holding a gun. My guess is that he was holding something other than a gun - but it was covered - so they could not really tell what he was holding.</p>

<p>rockville, when I meant hoax, I meant it the same way you did- ie, that the guy propably wasn’t carrying a gun.</p>

<p>For me, I’ve been getting updates through my e-mail and text. Also, there’s digital boards in eveery hall that have been flashing and telling people to stay inside. It’s been handled very well- absolutely no one is outside</p>

<p>Someone probably made it up so they didn’t have to take an exam.</p>

<p>lmao ^</p>

<p>did anyone else have a delay in the text messages? the timestamp for my text was labaled 30 minutes before i actually received it.</p>

<p>Thanks for explaining the digital boards - I just wasn’t sure that every student would always have their cell phone on them. </p>

<p>This is the latest update I saw online:</p>



<p>Problem is, I’m suuuupppppper hungry, and I don’t have food in my room! the Vending machines don’t work either. This thing better be resolved before dinner, I’ve heard there’s some kids stuck in Dietrick since it started at 9. so they’ve been there for like 6 hours</p>

<p>2:42 Alert/Lockdown lifted. The police haven’t received any additional information about a person who was possibly carrying a gun nor find anyone matching the description that the 14 year old boys made. Campus is back to normal activity thank goodness.</p>

<p>Thank goodness is right! Very glad this turned out to be nothing.</p>

<p>Just tobe clear, this still could be “something”</p>

<p>The last VT Alert said that although they have not found anyone and the campus is off lockdown, they still want students to be cautious when going outside. It also said that police will continue to patrol the area.</p>

<p>But, yeah, it most likely means nothing!</p>

<p>That guy was probably playing tennis. the description on the website most likely didn’t even match up with the real guy. The guy’s probably scared to death that they’re looking for man that was supposed to be him(cloths/sandals).</p>