Virginia Tech Regular Decision Thread

Just thought I would make a tread to discuss regular decision?

When do we get our decisions?

@confused6789 - I understand they released the Eds in two rounds last year: Feb 20, and Mar 17.

S18 got an email a few days ago that said April 1. I hope it’s earlier!

“Early Decision notifications for the Honors College will be posted by December 15, 2017 and Regular Decision notifications will be posted by March 15, 2018.”

Found this on my application summary page so I am assuming we would know before March 15

If it follows last year’s schedule it looks like the first round would be Monday, 2/19, for students admitted to their first choice major.

What if you applied as “undecided” for your major?

I emailed admissions today and they responded “around mid-March” for the first round of RD decisions. Seems awfully late.

@NJEngDad I think that is their standard response and they stick to the script when asked. In past years they have begun announcing around mid-February.

I got an email that I am qualified for the second round of the Davenport Leadership Scholarship. Does this mean I got in?

Is it taking anyone else a while for VT to receive transcripts? I sent mine last month after they extended the deadlines and my application page hasn’t shown that they’ve received them. I received an email from them stating that they’re receiving record numbers of them though, which could explain this.

Also, could someone chance me for business/BIT regular decision? 3.9GPA, 1240 SAT, Varsity sport, 2APs,1 volunteer opportunity, 10 years piano lessons/experience and guitar, 2 Summer jobs.

I got an email that I am qualified for the second round of the Davenport Leadership Scholarship. Does this mean I got in?

I think we hear back on April 1st. IM NOT JOKING!!! I hope they don’t prank me saying that I got accepted when I got denied…but yeah

Based on past years, we should hear on or about March 20th.

@confused6789 I think they are tagging potential applicants to move the process forward once they make their final decisions. I think it’s similar to the kids that had certain stats that received emails that said their apps were forwarded to the Honors College.

@yolo2018. Last year applicants in both tranches of regular decisions got first choice. No one should assume that if they don’t hear in earlier round they did not get first choice.

@Reston I have a son anxiously waiting for decisions like everyone else in the RD pool. I spent a lot of time going through last year’s RD thread and it was like a roller coaster.

The first 3 pages were pre-release jitters.

Page 4 was when the first person posted a RD acceptance…then the VT server essentially crashed.

The next several pages were dominated by lots of handwringing about the IT department, and suggestions about using your phone to log in instead of a computer.

On page 9 the rumor about not getting your first choice major if you weren’t notified in the initial round surfaced.

The following pages were full of admissions being reported. A majority seemed to be OOS students. Almost all were for first choice majors.

The rumor continued to build about the first choice major decisions. It went on for several pages.

Around page 14 everything turned from acceptances to worries and what ifs. It’s also when the teeth gnashing about low, or no financial aid started to rear its ugly head. The OOS people who were ecstatic about their student’s acceptance were now aghast at their actual COA based on $0 in merit or scholarship support.

After 7 pages of OOS parents with highy qualified applicants talking about accepting at significantly more affordable choices the next round of decisions hit, on page 21, and it started with rejections and waitlistings.

The majority of reported acceptances at that point were for 2nd choice majors. It looks like the second round is for borderling OOS students.

Looking at the stats of in state students that got waitlisted or denied made my head spin.

All that being said, this year I’ll be in the roller coaster rather than watching from the sideline. My son is OOS and Tech is his first choice.

It’s silly to assume that no one in the second round gets their first choice major. Remember that you’re reading posts from a tiny cross section of VT applicants. If you don’t get a decision in the first wave just take a deep breath and move on until the second wave hits.

Good luck everyone.

Wow that is a great break-down @Time2Shine!

Very similarly, our OOS son got in RD a couple years ago, first wave, first choice major. No $$$ was forthcoming and he ended up staying here in Florida which worked out for the best anyway.

We love VT very much (extended-family favorite), but not to the tune of OOS tuition with other great options available.

@Time2Shine Yes, thanks for the summary, saved me a couple of hours…
@SouthFloridaMom9 It sounds like I am in the same situation as you were a couple of years ago. VT and UF are 1-2 or 2-1 for my son right now. We told him that he needed to get a scholarship (he has applied for NROTC and AFROTC) in order to go to VT. Being in state to UF and having Bright Futures and Prepaid Tuition, I can’t see spending $43k per year for VT over $5-6k for UF. That is, assuming that they are both options for him a month from now…