Virginia Tech Regular Decision Thread

Most likely not. I’m just disappointed that they extended the dead line and now we have a record high of applicants ://

I agree I think the people who had their applications in by the original deadline on December should have an advantage since they made sure every thing was done on time. Since that point there has been more people allowed to apply which has caused there to be more applications and and record high applicants. That is just not fair, there should be some advantage to being on time with your application.

They must have liked the results of the RD deadline extension enough to decide to extend the deadline for transfer admissions too. I’m not sure what’s going on over there this year. I hope for the sanity of future applicants they figure things out.

very true it is annoying for the students trying to get and the parents as well. There are a lot of life changing decisions that need to be made around this time of year, and having late or changing times makes it very hard and stressful

My son’s SAT score wasn’t as high as he would have liked. If he knew from the outset that his deadline was January 15th he would have studied hard and retaken the SAT in December to attempt to improve it. That’s my only concern. I don’t want him to have any regrets. My hope is that his essays outweigh his borderline standardized test score and nudge him over the finish line.

It’s out of everyone’s hands now. We’ll all get our answer in just over a week. I wish everyone the best of luck.

@e.amplo I really doubt they’d look at people based on when they applied. People like myself played by all the rules when we applied during December/January. I didn’t know much about VT until December and I’m really grateful that they extended their deadlines. A December 1 Deadline for RD is pretty early compared to many colleges.

@timetoshine My son is in the same boat. And, I totally agree with you. All we can do now is wait as patiently as possible. Best wishes to all!

Keep in mind, VT’s RD decision date of 3/5 is one of the earliest in the state I believe. (compared to UVA, GMU, JMU) Also, this date is earlier than prior years which was mid-March (excluding some OOS, International and Engineering students that heard end of February).

Lastly, if by chance someone is wait-listed, be prepared to wait until as late as May for a decision as most schools give students until late April to accept. All the more reason to decline timely, if applicable, so schools can manage the wait list quickly. The college application process is waiting game that can be very frustrating. Hang in there and best of luck to all.

@bboop42 Heard from GMU the day before applications were even due, accepted to computer engineering. Only waiting on VT which is #1 choice and applied ED Nov.1, was wait listed.

@bboop42 Like @collegeaps my son heard from GMU 2 weeks after he submitted his application. Now that JMU knows VT decisions are coming out 3/5 I wonder if they’ll move their date up?

I would love for JMU to move their’s up. VT and JMU are the last for my son to hear from too.

I heard it was extended because the RD deadline was changed for this year and many high school college counselors didn’t know it had changed to Dec. 1.

@collegeaps May I ask what your GPA and test scores are? Since deferred for EA, I’m wondering how competitive it will be this year overall.

@collegeaps I assume you meant deferred and not waitlisted. Correct?

I apologize if this has already been asked, but do we know if financial aid/merit will also be released on March 5?

Does anyone know if Virginia Tech looks at applications in order of the date they were sent or if it’s random? Thank you!

@x2018x and @lastone03 (yes deferred, not waitlisted) 4.1 GPA, 1280 SAT, Tech assistant at school, hired full time for summer '18, 3 AP classes senior year, 4 yrs. varsity soccer, 2 yrs. varsity track, 2 yrs. varsity cross country, 2 part-time after school jobs, NHS member, FFA member and treasurer, 3rd place State FFA math computation test, 2nd place Regional BIG E FFA math computation test (senior year). I think deferred since SAT wasn’t higher. Still hoping to be accepted.

@collegeaps I don’t know. Your stats look good to me. But what do I know? :)) Best of luck!

I was deferred from ED, not waitlisted. what’s the difference?

Wait list is generated after RD results.