Virginia Tech Regular Decision Thread

My D has a 4.37 GPA from a Virginia High School, I called admissions and was told ny VT that mid-term were not required but if a student had only a very few AP’s up to their senior year subsequently took several AP’s in their senior year the mid-term would help VT decide if they were on the fence.

I went to my D’s high school and her counselor opened up her profile in naviance, she said “look VT was in her midterm profile this morning”…they leave a digital signature when they are in it. SO… I am assuming because my D took only 1 AP up to 12th grade and 3 more AP’s in 12th they wanted to see how she did ( all A’s).

The VT admissions counselor said that make sure my D has her login ID/password because her results would be posted March 05, 2018 after 5pm eastern time.! (Hope that helps))

@lovewinter my son sent his too. His schedule has been rigorous with 5 AP’s/8 honors classes but his GPA reflects more B’s than A’s so it’s not as high as your daughters. We decided to send his scores because he had a good first semester and hoped that would show his continued trajectory. We are also hoping they look at test scores to boost his resume.

does anyone know how much VT looks at course rigor? I only have 2AP/1 honors but the rest of my stats are good, 3.97gpa,1240 sat. applied business undecided.

@Virginia1129 Yes, VT like other colleges, looks at the “quality” of the GPA which includes the class, level, grading scale,weighting, etc.

I am hoping VT looks at my course rigor and considers it a lot. I only have a 4.05 gpa and a 1230 SAT but I have taken every advanced/AP class I could from Freshman-Junior year and senior year I am taking 3 APs and I applied for Business IT

I’m hoping they don’t take mine into account lol. It’s nothing terrible but there are definitely better applicants than me. I am in the top 15% of my class though.

@Virginia1129 Where else did you apply? Have you heard from other schools?

@bhoop42 Accepted at GMU and UMW. Deferred from 2nd choice JMU, but the letter said they had much more EA applicants this year.

@Virginia1129 good options. Fingers crossed for you.

Wow I hear this and think I hope that my son’s counselor has sent all that is needed. he has said that she did and that he has not gotten any thing that says he is missing anything. It is so hard to just sit and wait. And then we have to wait on scholarship stuff

What majors did you all apply for ? I’m wondering if it’s only the more popular majors (engineering, architecture, bussiness etc.) That will be more competitive

@sharonn2 My son applied to architecture and when the issue on mid year grades first came up on here I called the admission and talked to the head of admission, I was told that mid year grades are not required but could be sent if there was a need to show improvement or need to show additional information to help the application. hope this helps and good luck to everyone

@sharonn2 I applied for Business Information Technology (BIT) but switched to Business Undecided because they accept far more people into Undecided and you end up taking the same freshman year classes. Engineering will always be Tech’s most popular major, and it seems to be big this year. I know five or six people who applied to engineering and only one who applied for business.

My main concern is how competitive BIT will be this year vs last year. It is getting more and more popular so I’m just wondering how I’ll stack up this year. I’m about 55th percentile compared to last year but i don’t know about this year

Anyone know if merit/financial aid comes along with the acceptance notification? Or, is there a waiting period after being accepted?

GPA of 4.18 and SAT score of 1400. 10 AP courses. What would ya’ll say my chances of getting in are?

@sharonn2 Neuro

The portal says March 12 for those applicants being offered aid through the FASFA.

@mailme1121098 Depends if you’re in-state, out-of-state, applying for engineering, etc.

@mailme1121098 depends on your choice of major and your overall picture, sports, awards, clubs, volunteerism, work and I hear the essays are very important on your application.