Virginia Tech Regular Decision Thread

@msvirginia Sorry to hear that your son was deferred ED, but I am glad that he’s found an exciting prospect at Boulder and I wish him the best of luck! I agree with you in that I was mainly drawn to Tech bc of “ut prosim” and the idea that the community cared more about community service and the overall pursuit of knowledge rather than just high stats or prestige. I’m not exactly surprised by the shift in acceptance rate – it was bound to happen at some point, I suppose, with an unfortunate amount of in-state kids in NOVA and SOVA alike using Tech as a “safety” (as an in-state applicant, I’m all too familiar with that phenomenon) – but I do hope that Tech is able to maintain the attributes I was originally attracted to as the school grows more selective. Again, best of luck to your son!! That sounds like an amazing program.

@greenfrogmemes To be honest, your original comment came off as demeaning and I’m not really sure what your point was in posting it – doesn’t really make for the positive environment that I’m sure CC strives to maintain. I applied to a school with a 14% OOS acceptance rate, too, so I get that there are far more competitive schools out there, but people have every right to be nervous about a new acceptance rate, especially one that is 14% lower than the historic acceptance rate. The point is that we’re not sure what this change entails for us. Of course we’re all a bit apprehensive about it.

@daylightskies You might be interested in this

Virginia Tech makes more data available than most schools I have seen. You can plug in just about any college and major to see acceptnace rates, gpa and test score averages. Surprised to see through 2017 Engineering acceptance numbers not hugely different than other schools – higher scores but similar acceptance rate – and the Liberal Arts/Social Science school has the loweset acceptance rate.

Just an FYI, about 18,000 kids are going to be admitted out of 32,000. I wouldn’t be surprised if VTech is going to waitlist a bunch of people because they know everyone applied to it as a safety and probably won’t go.

I can bet that VTech will just waitlist the kids who they would usually admit, then admit them from the waitlist. Everyone needs to calm down.

obviously greefrog is trolling when he says everyone applied as a safety. But it does seem that they would need to admit closer to 60% to reach the same number accepted in past years. The 56% could be very conservative.

Will we find out about scholarships as well on Monday?

@amdg2000 They’ve finalized decisions if they’ve released the admission rate. It’s 56%.

I think I remember reading online that they switched the head of admissions and that there was gonna be changes in the process a while back…

VT isn’t my son’s safety. It’s also the most expensive OOS school he’s applied to. He’s been accepted everywhere he’s heard from thus far. If they waitlist him they’ll lose him, and my full pay OOS tuition.

@Eas419 That’s really interesting! I hadn’t heard that but it would definitely explain a lot. If you happen to stumble across the source for that, please share!

@Time2Shine Come on, lighten up a bit :slight_smile: I’m pretty certain you’ll get some good news.

Everyone seriously needs to chill out about this acceptance rate. No one here really knows if they’re in or not. You’ll all find out Monday. Speculation just leads to panic.

My intention is definitely not to panic anyone, so sorry if I’m doing that! You all sound like students (or the parents of students :slight_smile: ) that Tech would be lucky to have, and I hope that you receive the best kind of news tomorrow. Just trying to tell everyone that it’s okay to be a little nervous about the decreased acceptance rate and not to feel guilty about being anxious just because other people have applied to more competitive schools.

@is2018 it briefly mentions it


@Eas419 Thank you so much!

someone please chance me! (i know decisions come out monday, but im still curious!)
black female, nova
3.2, goes up to 3.4 w/ 1st semester
1190 SAT
part of inclusive VT (pipeline program for historically undrepresented groups) got an admissions “decision” after on-site review which was to be put on hold and submit 1st semester grades
decent essays, explained low performance early on, told a story in my perspective about my mother, ut prosim
4 IBs junior yr, 3 Senior Yr (all As & Bs in them)

theatre all four years (international
thespian society inducted)
leadership class member senior yr
black cultural awareness association club 3 yrs (parliamentarian senior yr)
over 50 hrs as hospital volunteer
20+ continuous hrs as elementary school tutor
celebrate fairfax volunteer

applied as a psychology major, explained in essay why i chose psych (bc of stigma surrounding mental illness in black/african community) & got an A in my psych class 1st semester (school doesn’t offer IB/AP version)

:slight_smile: thanks

@greenfrogmemes VT is NOT my safety net. It’s my #1 choice and I would be honored to attend VT, not use it as a backup!

@collegeaps I never said that?

@greenfrogmemes Im pretty sure it’s from your comment last page when you wrote “ VTech is going to waitlist a bunch of people because they know everyone applied to it as a safety”. You used the word everyone.