Virginia Tech Regular Decision Thread

Great Summary @timetoshine - Counting week’s until notifications are released / this thread has offered lots of helpful information

Helpful! So we are OOS RD, but would need merit since our EFC is high. Looking like that probably won’t happen. Good thing I’ve been pumping up our in state flagship to S18!

I hope they learned from last year so the server won’t crash again this time

@Time2Shine Is there an email that tells us when they are posted?

@chb088 It seems like some people got an email on 2/13/17 indicating that decisions would be out in 2 waves, on 2/20 & 3/17. We’ll see if they follow the same schedule.

Keep in mind that they changed the RD application deadline from December 1st to January 15th the week after the December 1st deadline came and went. I don’t know why they did that. I also don’t know how it might alter notifications.

Will those that applied before December 1st recieve decisions mid-February leaving the January 15th applicants to be notified in mid-March? Your guess is as good as mine.

If anyone has an hour to kill…here is last year’s Class of 2021 RD thread:

@Time2Shine yea I applied mid October for ED, got deferred to RD so I’m hoping to find out soon just so it’s over with

We were told by a VA Tech rep at an informational meeting that the date had been moved up this year in order to allow for earlier release of decisions. We have always been under the impression that all would be out in February. However, I was unaware of the change in date. I imagine that those who did apply early would be awarded for doing so.

@habitualnerd Did this rep ever give a specific date on when the first round of decisions will be released? Because last year it was 2/20 so do think that it could be early February?

@habitualnerd I am not sure why they moved the date from 12/1 into January but it was pretty unfair to kids that would have retested in December. I would hope those that made the deadline would get preference but you never know.

Just as an FYI…They also did 2 rounds of acceptances in 2016. My son received an email saying they would be releasing a preliminary round of acceptances and was then sent his acceptance the following day to Engineering.

Exactly. But that was the schedule released to public. They changed it this year at the outset and then once again changed it after the deadline… Without an explanation of why? Did they not get enough aps?

@rajiv5612 @lastone03 She gave the impression that it would be ASAP, most likely in early February. I can only hope that we who observed that original deadline will be rewarded for doing so.

This may change, but last year, I believe the February notices were primarily OOS and international, 1st choice major acceptances. Someone may be able to correct me if wrong. It that is the case, just do not want in-state applicants to get too excited or disappointed if they do not hear in February.

I know someone with contacts in admissions. Apparently, they only received 3k ED applications this year - too few to get a good picture of their pool. She said almost everyone got deferred, unless you had stellar numbers. Also, she was told that they over-admitted last year, so the threshold to get in this year could be a bit higher. I’m just sharing was I was told. We’re really looking forward to knowing, either way. Good luck, everyone!

@Stetsonhat that’s crazy. My son had 6 friends apply and 5 got in ED (all from the same school - in state VA) and the one deferral was engineering. I wonder how many regular decision apps they got by the 12/1 date? They may have extended because they weren’t hitting their numbers. What’s odd is they have had record apps the last 2 years. I know there are fewer high school seniors this year nationwide but FSU’s applications (for example) blew up this year. They will exceed 50,000 by the time the 2/7 deadline rolls around. The stats for the first round kids there were exceptionally high. Not sure what the driver is - maybe the $30 app fee and being Florida? No idea.

Yeah, I have no idea. We have so many great choices in VA. I’m just really looking forward to getting past the unknowns in this process.

Is there any difference between notification of deferred students compared to the regular decision applicants?

@hopefulcadet333 If you mean a different notification date, no. VT announces decisions in 2 waves, February late and mid-March. In prior years, it seems February was primarily certain OOS, International and 1st choice Engineering. (notice I say primarily, not only nor all)

A little nervous about arrest they made at VT yesterday!!