Virginia Tech Regular Decision Thread

Son accepted OOS to College of Engineering!! VT has been a top choice for him for a long time (since he visited sophomore year)! He is over the moon!

1550 SAT, ACT - 36 English 36 Reading, 35 Math
3.95 uw GPA
Full IB diploma
Lots of extracurriculars, leadership, service, etc.
Wrote 2/3 essays

No indication of Honors College yet. Where would that be listed for those that are seeing it already?

Other results:
Accepted: University of Michigan, University of Wisconsin, Cal Poly SLO, Colorado School of Mines Honors Program
Rejected: Stanford, Georgia Tech
Still awaiting: University of Washington, MIT, UC Berkeley, UCSD, Dartmouth

So am I ok to remain on the waitlist if I’m waiting for other schools? Looking forward to hearing from JMU.

OSS Engineering
3.65 WGPA
11 APs, and like 2 regular classes, the rest were honors
1340 SAT (700 math 640 english)
Moderatley good ECs
I prepared myself for a flat out rejection, and I dont think ill end up getting in from the waitlist, but atleast I dont need to think about it for the next month. I’m convinced that my essays are probably the only reason I didn’t get flat out denied. Good luck to everyone in this thread!

My Ds specifics

Accepted School of Visual Arts BFA program, No honors
In state NOVA
3.8UW; 4.1W, 32 ACT 8 APs, 1 IB,
Longtime Girl Scout and Theater ECs
Also accepted at VCUARTS and NC State

Accepted! Don’t see any “Honors” indication, however. It does say Honors decisions will be out BY 3/15, but if other people are seeing the red “invited”, I’d think that everyone who is being invited to Honors would be seeing it today. hmmmmm…

@Virginia1129 I would stay on the wait list until you hear from all colleges. Then if you really want tech, give the school a call and speak with the Dean of your college choice to see if you can get off waitlist. A friend of my son did that last year at JMU and it worked, the school stated that it showed that he really wanted to attend so they admitted him.

Accepted 2nd choice CINEMA
1st choice: Industrial Design
1260 SAT 3.10 GPA
International Student

Congrats to your daughter @sy2020!! my son got into architecture also. I attended Va tech in the school of architecture practicing architecture for many years now and hope she loves it as much as I did. Its a great program!!

@ShenVal18 Yes! I also got an honors invite!

What does it mean if the portal doesn’t show a decision yet?

Accepted, 2nd choice, not interested if it isn’t computer engineering. High acceptance rates because they accept you into a forced 2nd choice you don’t want anyway.

Accepted to COE

34 ACT, 35 English, 35 Math
800 M2, 780 Physics
4 AP 10th-11th grade
99.2 GPA
bunch of clubs, volunteer, and intern stuff

Didn’t get into honors though :frowning: , but what are the benefits of honors, and can I switch?? Does anyone have a link to a gc?

rejected from college of science. in state 3.7 WGPA and 1450 SAT

@collegeaps Did you get into the College of Engineering? Just know that everyone who gets in to the College of Engineering get in as general. You then have to apply to the specific program after you finish a certain amount of credit.

@collegeaps I agree this is absolute bs

I didn’t even want to do a second choice major.

@Virginia1129 I recommend accepting a space on the wait-list. You can stay on it as long as you like.

@4kidscarj Freshmen applicant or transfer?

Decision: Accepted!!
Program: Mathematics

SAT I (breakdown): N/A
ACT (breakdown): 35C, 35M, 35S, 34R, 35W
SAT II: 800 Chinese, 800 Math II, 760 Chem, 710 US History
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.92
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 3/317
AP (place score in parenthesis): Calc BC(5), APHUG(5), AP Chinese (5), AP Chem (3), AP Physics 1/2(both 4s), APUSH(4), AP Lang (3), Comp Sci A(3)
IB (place score in parenthesis):
Senior Year Course Load: AP Bio, AP US Gov, AP Lit, AP Stat, Discrete Structures of Comp Sci, Intro to the Human body (both W&M courses), AP Spanish, Art
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): AIME qualification 2017, National Merit commended


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Science Olympiad (co-captain, co-founder), local symphony principal cello and student ambassador, Varsity tennis (4 years), Varsity swim (1 year), Varsity Scholastic Bowl (3 years, Captain), VA Boys State attendee 2017, Undergrad research with professor at W&M, NHS member, Mu Alpha Theta officer, Rho Kappa committee leader
Job/Work Experience: None
Volunteer/Community service: Key club, hospital volunteer, Mathcounts assistant coach for 4 years
Summer Activities:
2016: VA Governor’s Spanish Academy
2017: VA Boys State, Wolfram Summer Camp-went with a $2000 grant from Mu Alpha Theta

Essays (rating 1-10, details): 7/10, wasn’t the best
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details):

Teacher Rec #1: 10/10-chem teacher loved me and I was her TA this year
Teacher Rec #2: 9/10-Math teacher and Mu Alpha Theta Sponsor, also sponsor for Scholastic Bowl team
Counselor Rec:9/10
Additional Rec:
Interview: No interview


Applied for Financial Aid?: YEs
Intended Major: Comp Sci/ Physics
State (if domestic applicant): VA
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Asian, Chinese
Gender: Male
Income Bracket: $100k-$125k
Hooks (URM, first generation college, legacy etc.): None


Strengths: Test scores, extracurriculars, many college classes
Weaknesses: Essay
Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: In state student, top of my class, strong academics and extracurriculars in my intended major
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: UPenn rejected ED, UChicago and Georgia Tech deferred, UVA accepted
Waiting on: Swarthmore, Columbia, Northwestern, Duke, Vanderbilt, Johns Hopkins, Cornell, CMU

General Comments: Congrats to everyone who got accepted!!


S18 accepted as well to his first choice of Undecided!
1350 SAT and 4.4 wGPA, OOS