Virginia Tech Regular Decision Thread

phew that’s a relief haha, makes sense. Congrats! @collegeyaynj29

@collegeyaynj29 Is that a 3.4 weighted or unweighted? (I’m so scared to check mine)

Son accepted into College of Engineering.
SAT - 1470 with 790 math, did not take ACT
GPA 3.8 unweighted, 4.5 weighted
4 AP classes by end of junior year, 4 AP classes this year

@collegeyaynj29 if you don’t mind me asking, how many total schools did you apply to? My favorite word is free!

@daylightskies unweighted, my school doesn’t weight

@ihopeigetintoVT I intended on applying to 23 but after I finished 19 I figured I did enough

I applied to 11 and thought I applied to too many wow! @collegeyaynj29

Does anyone know how to book an accepted students tour?

DS accepted. 3.85 weighted 1160 SAT. Sibling currently attends. Applied to major with few students. NOVA competitive H.S. No FAFSA (full pay)

My son accepted to 2nd choice, business. OOS, NC.

33 superscore, 4.19 wGPA. Varsity soccer captain, 3 years, All State team. Bunch of volunteer stuff.
Classes: 7 total AP’s, all others honors level.

Congrats to all and good luck. He will either be attending UNC-CH or UGA.

BTW, if you applied to 19 schools, you need to get another life.

Major: Poli Sci (first choice)
SAT - 1310
GPA - 3.4 UW (school doesn’t weight)
6 ECs, honor societies, and won a few scholarship essay contests
1 AP last year, 2 APs this year

Congratulations to everyone! Maybe I’ll be seeing some of you in Blacksburg come fall.

Waitlisted, does anyone know when I should find out?

@rugby1562 Waitlisted too bud :((( My plan stay on Waitlist and wait to hear from other colleges.

Daughter accepted in Architecture (waiting for honors and scholarship info).
Out of State - KY
ACT - 32 (range of 28 math to 36 reading) // GPA 3.8+ unweighted
Lots of AP classes, Public school Spanish Immersion Program k-12, typical extracirriculars.
Gov. School for Arts attendee - Architecture, and also did a VaTech summer architecture program
Strong Arch. Portfolio, and strong creative essays
Also Accepted: Clemson (honors, in-state equiv tuition scholarship), Pratt (50% tuition), Cincinatti (honors, small scholarship), Drexel (50% tuition), Univ of Kenucky (free tuition);

Waiting for USC (would have heard by Feb if scholarship though) and Syracuse
Undergrad Architecture DI rankings - Syracuse #3, VaTech #4, USC #5, Pratt #9

It definitely seems like this is a “paranoid” year, unlike last year which was a “free for all” year. Basically every year or two VT over-accepts by a large margin, and compensates the next year with more waitlists.

D accepted

Accepted! Over the moon. To those who were waitlisted, look into other options but keep a positive mindset. To those who were rejected, I am confident you will find a school that you love and achieve amazing things! Congrats to my fellow new Hokies :slight_smile:

Accepted for CoE! Was deferred in the ED round but it all worked out!

1440 SAT
STEM related activties
4 year soccer varsity
Great essays

Extremely happy and blessed!!! Go hokies!

waitlisted with a 3.8 and a 1350…

Accepted in state from NOVA into Business Undecided. 1380 SAT, 4.07 GPA, good essays, 3 sport varsity athlete.