Virginia Tech Regular Decision Thread

Accepted Business Honors In-State
1,460/32 with a 3.8uw in full IB with lots of EC’s
Will add it to the list before making a decision.
The In-State total cost is certainly very appealing…

Also just wanted to say – if you feel the need to badmouth the school because you didn’t get in or make a snarky comment about how Tech was your safety or you never intended on attending anyway, then perhaps your negative attitude showed through in your essay(s) and Tech picked up on it. Take this disappointment and turn it into a lesson in maturity and how to handle rejection gracefully.

Accepted- Out of State
Nat’s Security & Foreign Affairs
UWGPA- 3.33 (Full IB)
SAT 1210
LOTS of EC’s (president in numerous clubs, government summer internship)
Potential Corps of Cadets
Reallyyyyyyy good essays

@collegeyaynj29 omg I finally found someone like me! I applied to 20!

OOS Son was accepted to 2nd choice, mathematics but not COE
Act 33, sat 1450
Gpa 3.62 UW

He is already accepted into Purdue engineering and Rose-Hullman but VT was his 1st choice. It would have been an easier choice if he was just denied. My thought is for him to consider VT as a transfer student and then he would have certainty about getting into the engineering program at that time. I am not keen to pay for the additional time at VT for him to try for engineering admission given his other choices.

I was accepted to College of Science, then I accidentally rejected my offer. Now, the SIS login website said that I have no more application. I tried to email VT, is there anyway I can reverse the rejection?

@hdhdhd call them

I will call them the first thing in the morning, VT close after 5 pm

Agreed. My sons first choice was engineering but got accepted into University studies. What’s that? He didn’t even choose a second choice!

GPA: 3.61W
Applied APSC major
Lots of volunteer hours and extracurriculars
I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do…

@Mittens0321 what was his first choice? Engineering?

@daylightskies If VT is your favorite school and you don’t want to go anywhere else then community college is a good choice. It’ll give you a fresh start and you can transfer after a year or two.

Yes! Engineering

@daylightskies sorry to hear this, I was pulling for you.

Accepted Engineering OOS 1500 SAT (800 math) 4.3 W 3.7 UW

Waitlisted OOS 1570 SAT 4.8W/4.0UW

@Mittens0321 University Studies is a default 2nd choice major for Engineering if none is selected. Many choose this “major” to begin with. It allows a student admission to the university, but not the College of Engineering (COE). The student takes certain classes and then applies for the COE after certain requirements are complete. There are risks with this approach and I recommend searching VT’s website about “change of major to Engineering from University Studies” to understand the hoops to jump through, etc.

@hangedman Which major?

Daughter Accepted Engineering:
Out of State: Wisconsin
ACT: 31
GPA: Unweighted 3.97 Weighted 4.40
EC: Robust (6 Varsity Letters, President of Clubs, Captain Athletics, lots of CS, etc)
Other Acceptances Engineering: Illinois, Purdue (Honors College), Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa State, Clemson, Penn State, Auburn, North Carolina State.
Honors College: Nothing mentioned on VT site on her acceptance page.

Daughter Accepted Engineering:
Out of State: Wisconsin
ACT: 31
GPA: Unweighted 3.97 Weighted 4.40
EC: Robust (6 Varsity Letters, President of Clubs, Captain Athletics, lots of CS, etc)
Other Acceptances Engineering: Illinois, Purdue (Honors College), Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa State, Clemson, Penn State, Auburn, North Carolina State.
Honors College: Nothing mentioned on VT site on her acceptance page.