Virginia Tech Regular Decision Thread

Does anyone know when waitlisted people get a response? is it typically before the deadline to confirm a college or do i have to wait for july 1 and then possibly withdraw from a college and accept admission here

Admitted - engineering. 4.17/4.50 gpa 800m/690 v 800 matt 2 subject test/ 690 physics. Congrats to those who have been accepted and good luck to all of those who got waitlisted.

got into engineering OOS, 1390 SAT, 4.00 G.P.A.
it says I got into the college of engineering but it says my degree is : Undeclared.

@rugby1562 Waitlist decisions usually begin a few weeks after the date accepted students need to reply by. So for example, if students must accept by May 1st, WL people could begin to hear around May 15th. This all varies by university, how quickly admitted students reply, etc. I recommend looking on VT’s website or calling admissions to ask what they feel the timing will be if they are able to draw from the wait list…hope this helps some. Note: most people taken from a wait list are in a situation of withdrawing from another college they accepted while they wait.

Waitlist can be for months. I would call admissions ina few weeks and get an indication of where you stand also to express interest. My nephew got from waitlist into W&M but my SIL made it clear that he would attend and it was his first choice and she was an alumni.


Also OOS in CT!
DD was Accepted
College of Architecture and Urban Studies (heading into Graphic Design)
GPA 3.85 UW
ACT 29 (31 superscored)
Varsity athlete, NHS,President of Graphics Club, after-school job, TONS of volunteer / service work

Wait so are all honors college decisions out? It does say March 15 on the website, but I’m hearing people already know.

@vader123 For the College of Engineering you are always accepted as Undecided. You place into the desired Engineering major once you have completed a certain number of credits. I believe you are guaranteed your 1st choice if you have a 3.0 or above. if less then that you get your 1st choice if space is available. Otherwise, you get your 2nd or 3rd. Check the College of Engineering website for specifics. Congrats on your acceptance!

@salsrl @vader123 To add one more clarification…if below 3.0, they rank your GPA along with all others below 3.0 and based on space available and requested major go from top to bottom to “offer/assign” major. Hope that make sense.

@ls2018 please at me next time :slight_smile:

@cyongb - I have the same question. I’m not sure where to look but I didn’t see it. Don’t want to read through all the pages :slight_smile:

So the trend I see going on is that there definitely seems to be a lot of OOS engineering students accepted this year, at least on here.

Also, I would like to note that VT DOES have an appeal process. If you believe that there was any important grade info (such as an inaccuracy) or anything left out that would seem really important, you can mail it to them within the next 30 days for an appeal. Here is the statement directly from the website:

Hope this helps! :slight_smile: I don’t know how effective an appeal is, but it’s worth a shot.

OOS-FL ACCEPTED- Engineering; ACT-31; GPA-5.08 weighted; 11AP;AP Scholar w/Distinction; Varsity lacrosse 3yrs; NHS Vice President; House Leadership(like SGA); STEM/Robotics Club Treasurer; FCA; Wounded Warrior. Essays were solid-added humor to top 10 list…also accepted for engineering at Purdue; NCState; Auburn; Clemson; UCF;UF, denied-Georgia Tech.

My son got accepted CoE CS major

Son was accepted-Engineering- OOS
Eagle Scout 1460 3.91 top 3%
But no merit :(. Congrats to all !!

does any one know when you hear if you are wait listed?

Officially Accepted! College of Engineering and Honors Program

I knew I was in a few weeks ago when I was awarded the Davenport engineering scholarship but had to wait for the official announcement from the admissions office.

In state
GPA 4.0 UW, 4.63 W. 10 APs
SAT 790 Math, 710 Verbal
Activities: FIRST Robotics (President), VEX Robotics (President), SeaPerch, ZERO Robotics (Team Captain), Cyber Patriot (Team Captain), Computer Science Team (Team Captain), Varsity Swim Team, Swim Coach, VEX Robotics Mentor, Eagle Scout and Coca Cola Scholar

Waitlisted. NMF, stats similar to @hangedman, 800/790 on SAT II, not an engineering applicant.
With 2 very good acceptances in place… no big loss.

@greenfrogmemes Wasn’t talking specifically about you, but it’s good that you’re self-aware. Best of luck at UMass :slight_smile:

@ls2018 haha I haven’t heard back from them but I’d take it over VTech due to instate tuition (even if I got into engineering).