Virginia Tech Regular Decision Thread

So what is the significance of being accepted into a ‘major?’ I, fortunately, got the major I wanted, but what is the point of ‘getting into’ your top choice major? Is there a limited space amount in each major?

Also, I did get in! In-state, 1540, 4.9 weighted GPA, varsity rowing, graduating w/ 13 APs. Congrats to all who got in and best of luck to those who got wait listed! I’m sure everyone will find the place perfect for them!

@habitualnerd The significance of getting accepted directly in to your major means you do not have to “apply” after taking certain classes, with the chance of being denied that major. Additionally, some classes are “reserved” for certain majors 1st before being open to others. So, it can have an impact on the classes you are able to get during enrollment. Saves you a lot of worry and potentially money.

Daughter accepted to Engineering
97.1 GPA, Rank 3/73
SAT: 1380
OOS - NY (my DD and another student from her class accepted today)
Accepted to PSU & RIT - waiting on a few others.

anyone who is wondering what they can do to get into honors college just get a 3.6 gpa first semester. You’ll get an invite to the college so long as you maintain said gpa. Coming from a current student :). Also congrats to those accepted!

Totally agree about doing ALL of the essays. One college rep told us that “optional” essays are not really optional.

I hate the way they set up the waitlist, cause when I log in and click application information, right away it pops up with my name and my major and degree so it makes it seem like I got in, then when I click fall 2018 it shows waitlist. The first page makes you happy showing your degree and major and then if I never clicked fall 2018 I wouldn’t have seen I was waitlisted.

Congrats to all who got in my daughter was waitlisted 3.7 W, 30 ACT , 1340 SAT from out of state

@rugby1562 AGREE I was flat out rejected and could not believe that they would do something like that to throw people off.

what you mean by new VT community??

DS # 2 was also accepted- 3.8/4.8 GPA/ 1490/33 SAT/ACT.

@98st8Wolf Yes your daughter should give it a shot. DD with 3.97W, 1300 SAT-took only once, got in. She had a strong EC, and is a great writer who had plenty to write about but I don’t know if she wrote all 3 essays. Didn’t apply to SOE and didn’t even have time to visit school so was shocked she got in but she is on a gap year so that may have helped.

Tough pill to swallow as son was rejected. 5 AP/8 Honors , 30 ACT. 2 sport Varsity Athlete , Leadership and 125+ community service hours. Did all 3 essays. I think his undoing was a 3.5 GPA (resulting from a weak 3.0 freshman year) and coming from a very competitive in state school. They can only take so many from the same in state school and the line seems to be drawn at GPA (with or without the same level of rigor). Through this process, I am learning that this is all fairly unpredicatable. Seems odd that you can get into a top 50 Flagship OOS but cannot get into a top 100 IS. But, VT’s stats are super high this year and the drop from 70% to 56% acceptance is stinging a lot of kids. OOS acceptances are also increasing as schools all over the country fight for those OOS dollars. I get it. There are lots of moving parts here and admissions has a tough job. I have no doubt this is all shaking out as it is supposed to. VT wasn’t his first choice, but it would have been nice to have had the option. Congrats to the new Hokies! Looks like a great new crop.

Feeling very excited and blessed!! My D was accepted OOS North Carolina. Major - Criminology.

Posting info for my son:

ACCEPTED: College of Engineering
Residency: Illinois
ACT: 29 (English: 27, Math: 29, Reading: 28, Science: 31)
SAT: 1330 (R+W: 630, Math: 700)
GPA: Weighted: 4.57/ Unweighted: 3.81 (12 APs)
Rank: 14/466
Activities: A good set of ECs, including math and science clubs, honor societies, volunteer work, paid work, and sports. President of NHS and Key Club.
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male

Accepted into School of Business(first choice was engineering)
In-State 4.11 GPA, 1420 SAT, 31 ACT, 3 year 3 season varsity track/xc athlete, not many other EC’s besides running.
10 AP classes through high school

Son was accepted to College of Engineering
OOS - California
GPA 3.86 UW - 4.56 W
SAT 1470 (R+W 670, Math 800)
3 Year of Lacrosse, 2 years as team captain
Internship with Biomedical Engineering Firm
200 Community Service Hours

Accepted into University Studies (first choice was Engineering)
In-State - NOVA 4.06 GPA, 1470 SAT, 33 ACT, 4 year 3 season athlete (Captain for senior year). Tutoring and coaching youth runners. 10 AP and DE classes. Unfortunately, since he is set on his major and not a school, he won’t be a Hokie…The road to an engineering degree by way of University Studies will be too long compared to other options.

I’m interested in that 56% acceptance rate that someone quoted. I emailed our school guidance counselor this morning and their dept. did not get any such email. And we are a quite large in state NOVA school. Last evening, my DS spoke with many friends who were accepted and the GPA’s were about typical of what they were last year when my DD was accepted. a fair number of rejections from super high GPAs - because they were applying to engineering - and lots of acceptances for A-/B+ students who were applying for majors other than COE and business. Similar to last year.

Accepted into Architecture (got deferred ed)

4.2 WGPA
1270 SAT
10+ APs
I row!!!

GO HOkies!!!

^^This. Waiting on word from my son when he talks to some more kids but COE seems to have been either waitlist or deny in his circle (instate/SEVA area). My son was waitlisted for COE. We know of one acceptance from a private school here non engineering.