Virginia Tech Regular Decision Thread

@“N2TheFuture!” there are state schools that don’t give a lot oos or reserve their best award for in state. South Carolina is one school that is generous with their tuition waivers, but that’s not very common. On NJ our flagship Rutgers is over 30k. Engineering merit awards are pretty small and they do not meet need at all. That’s one reason so many nj students leave.
VT is not know for giving a lot. I had put it in the same category as Penn State. Out of state will pay full price.

Has anyone gotten their financial package yet?

@mom2cats I think to some degree the Schools offers aid based on supply and demand. Penn State, UNC, NC State attract a high number of applicants nationally so perhaps need to do less to encourage OOS enrollment than South Carolina. Can’t speak to Rutgers national reputation, but FWIW my Nephew from New Jersey received full tuition scholarship to Rutgers but, much to the chagrin of my tuition paying brother, chose to leave anyway to go to University of Maryland for their more highly rated Aerospace Program (and proximity to NASA)

@PhilipM many of the engineering scholarships at Rutgers were smaller than full tuition, going by what I heard from parents, but Honors College admits in other Rutgers schools (business, arts and sciences, etc) were more money. They don’t seem to transfer to a different school/major. They work a little differently there. You apply to up to three schools and get different decisions and money from each.

Once merit decisions are posted…where in the portal can they be seen? In the regular application section where the admissions results are, or by following the link out to “Financial Information”?

Wonder if the snow day will impact release of FA News?

I have students at both VT & U of SC. U of SC gives a tremendous amount of merit money to OOS student. VT gives very little and you must also have filled out the FAFSA. There is no comparison between the two. Many state schools give very little OOS merit money because they depend on the OOS tuition in order to keep their IS tuition down.

So I am thinking that VT will still post the financial stuff tonight despite the snow. They were going to post at midnight, which isn’t exactly core business hours, suggesting everything is uploaded for automatic post. Also, they haven’t tweeted anything about a delay and its not like their social media people need to be in the office to tweet.

Or I could be wrong, and 'll stay up late for nothing.


I don’t see anything yet. They may not be happening all at once

Where would the notification be? I havent made an account yet… would it be on the application page?

How did you find it? Hokie Spa or your admissions page?

I found mine on the Hokiespa page, but some people have been having a hard time getting to it or it isn’t there yet for them.

it was in hokiespa

Ok, I’ll ask: what is Hokiespa?

I’m thinking that since @ARandomHokie joined CC today and this is his second post, he may not be telling the truth.

Some kiddies get their thrills this way.

I didnt think you could set Hokie Spa account up til after you accepted admission offer.

google hokiespa and login. I’m having a hard time reaching the login page, just getting error messages.

They have it up for financial aid year 2018-2019 but when I select that package it says that no financial aid info available. Does that mean no financial aid? :frowning:

@Kpanther – can you help an old woman out please? Did you locate the financial aid info on hokiespa (which I believe you can’t do until you accept your offer of admission) or via the guest account status page where we saw the admissions offer? TIA!

@Kpanther No. It means they haven’t posted it yet. If I were you all, I would check tomorrow.