Virginia Tech Regular Decision Thread

My gpa is unweighted, we do not do weighted at my school

Can you put that website you found that in ?

That doesn’t sound particularly fair to the applicants that managed to apply by the actual deadline.

What are my chances for VT.
Applied Marketing major
Out of state (NY)
White Male
GPA: 3.56 UW (don’t use weighted so Idk what it is)
Sat: Math 630 Reading 560
2 AP
1 IB
1 Dual Enrollment through a state school
3 jobs (a lot of hours)
Good volunteer work
Deca (business club) and other EC’s
2 sport athlete
Nationally ranked lacrosse team starter
Lacrosse team and individual awards
3 Essay prompts

@Time2Shine unfortunately, there are a lot of things that don’t appear to be fair in the college admissions process. That’s why I hesitate to chance anyone. You just never know. I think VT just wants the best applicants it can get to fill all of its buckets. I would hope that the Dec 1 applicants would have an edge, but I am pretty sure that is 95% wishful thinking.

@lastone03 I’m not buying the guidance counselor story. It doesn’t pass the smell test.

@Time2Shine came straight from the admissions office.

Annoying. We’ve heard from everywhere else (except Clemson) :frowning:

@lastone03 I’m not doubting they said that, I’m doubting their veracity. My guess, the total applications received by 12/1 were below last years total so they felt compelled to extend the deadline. In the end it may be a valuable lesson for my son and could potentially save me between $3,000 - $13,000 per year. It’s out of everyone’s hands at this point anyway. I won’t bother mentioning any of this to my son now. It would only stress him out.

@Time2Shine I feel like my S18 needs to make a decision by 3/1. He’s got 4 acceptances already, and 3 are in state options and the 4th gave him merit. I don’t think waiting around is doing him any favors. He needs to find a roommate, sign up for orientation, etc

@chb088 My son really loved VT but this whole situation has me disillusioned. You need to do what’s best for your family.

My son’s in the same boat with a couple of options on the table (one with healthy merit). He’s now waiting on 2 in state schools. I understand the frustration - my son’s app was in at the end of November. Maybe they didn’t hit their numbers by 12/1, but I can’t imagine by moving the RD date to 1/15 that they would make up all that ground plus add another 5K apps over last year’s number (RD last year was 1/15). But, maybe they did.

I’m not an expert, but I think you have a great shot based on others admitted to engineering. Very nice SAT score. @ricflairdrip

@momofthree55 The guidance counselors have to coordinate and send official transcripts, recommendations, the school profile etc so if they are late in the process, it negatively impacts the students who may have already finished and submitted their applications. Our guidance counselors each have 110-120 students applying to colleges. That is a lot to coordinate with 5-6 applications per student and many deadlines between 10/15 and 12/1. I agree it’s unfortunate, but I understand it.

Why doesn’t VT accept semester transcripts?

My son sent his first semester transcript. I believe the email he got from November verifying he sent his application said to do it.

VT is the only one we are waiting for out of 15 schools my son has applied. Granted VT is the only RD he applied for (all others are EA, but VT only does ED), a March notification is going to delay our decision process. I believe the earlier someone commits to a school, the better in terms of orientation, housing choices, etc. etc… Am I wrong?

^ yeah same boat here. We have dates set for accepted student day and want to make a decision ASAP. Applied to VT Nov 6th (all req in also) — still waiting… We will prob say no because of this late process. It’s a shame. VT was one of our top 4.

@MomtoAndrew2018 I’d be interested to know if deciding earlier helps with housing and orientation as well.