Virginia Tech Regular Decision Thread

If everyone is now finding out the same date (other than ED), everyone is in the same situation with housing, so it will just depend on how quickly one accepts after notification. Also, orientation is set my major with specific dates in the past so again, as long as once decisions come out, you accept quickly…no disadvantage IMHO.

@bboop42 No I meant for those of us that have acceptances from other schools but can’t commit because we are still waiting on VT.

@Jonsmom14 we are in the same boat. We may have to let go of VT just because of how late the decision comes.

Seems like VT is first come, first serve? From their website: "Assignments for incoming first-year students and transfers are made in contract receipt order, so the earlier your contract arrives, the earlier you are assigned in the process. "
Some of the other school DS applied to actually dont do it this way however. It’s based on your application date, not acceptance date.

How quickly would financial aid info arrive?

March 15 isn’t late. People need to be more patient.

I think the 3/15 date is annoying for those who are applying elsewhere EA and have known from other schools for a bit already. If you are a RD person, 3/15 is totally reasonable. Many schools have 4/1 date if RD. Maybe it works out for VT in that super students have already ben notified if scholarship and are being courted. All others (especially in state good students, but not top of class) may find this late date of notice too much to wait for.

I think we all need to calm down about this 3/15 issue. Later than my D was hoping but still earlier than the 1 April date many RD schools promise. I know many many many kids who decided what school to go to on the 1 May deadline and are now happily ensconced in very lovely dorm rooms enrolled in exactly the classes they wanted to be in.

I think we all need to calm down about this 3/15 issue. Later than my D was hoping but still earlier than the 1 April date many RD schools promise. I know many many many kids who decided what school to go to on the 1 May deadline and are now happily ensconced in very lovely dorm rooms enrolled in exactly the classes they wanted to be in.

Everyone needs to relax!! 3/15 is less than a month away!! GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE :slight_smile:

So is 3/15 confirmed for regular decision? Because reading the comments, the only thing confirmed was March.

^^^^ yes (at least that is what admissions told a friend of mine. Released all in one day).

Actually 3/15 is over a month away. I really wish they had EA instead of ED.

With 5,000+ more applications than last year and only one release date I think it’s reasonable to expect a repeat of last year’s computer crash.

I just figure they should reward Early Decision Deferrals for applying early and making the initial deadline. It sorta sucks we all have another month to wait but hope it goes quickly

I agree that the change in deadline sucks as I had hoped, understanding that last year some decisions were sent out in Feb, that my D would hear this month. That said, at no time had VT ever said regular decisions would be made before March, and they can’t very well extend the deadline and then have all the kids who applied in January immediately disadvantaged because Admissions filled slots with December applicants when they never before advertised an EA option. Frankly, I think the whole EA/ED thing is a big scam that is totally in the College’s interest, benefits applicants not at all (actually disadvantages ED students financially), and yet somehow we have become convinced that it is in the applicant’s interest to apply early. If my D gets turned down by a school because she applied RD instead of early, thats not a place I’d want her to go anyway.

@PhilipM They also sent out decisions 2 years ago in mid February. It has nothing to do with EA or ED. Two years ago my S applied RD in January and was admitted mid February to Engineering , his 1st choice. From what I understand, he received a blast email the night before saying that some decisions would be released “shortly”. His decision came the next day. It seems that most of those decisions were international, engineering & OOS.

Is there any confirmation from Virginia tech that there is 5k+ more apps and that they don’t consider mid year transcripts? I’m just worried about the 5k+ apps cause that’ll make it really competitive this year

This was in the email my son received in November confirming the receipt of his application and it states to send semester transcript. However, last week was the cutoff for sending.


We will need several transcripts from you: one now to review(on or before January 15th), one with first semester grades and then, if you are offered admission, a final one which shows the completion of your high school education and illustrates continued performance.

If your high school routinely sends transcripts to colleges in batches, this will be sufficient for the first semester transcript requirement.

Please note that your application is considered incomplete until we receive your test scores and high school transcript. You can track receipt of these documents on your status page. Incomplete applications will be cancelled on January 15th.

The final official transcript is due no later than August 1, and should be submitted as soon as it becomes available after high school graduation.

Once again, thank you for your application. If you have questions, please let us know.

Virginia Tech

Where does it say last week was the deadline for sending the semester transcript? Our report cards didn’t even become available until last Wednesday and the counseling dept isn’t sending the transcripts until Monday due to system issues. Semester didn’t end in our school system until 1/26.