Virginia Tech Regular Decision Thread

Alright so judging from what everyone has said in this thread, The tech deadline was moved and people who are international students are hearing back from tech. As for OOS and IS students, we hear back on March 5th. Best of luck to all of y’all!!

Here’s a countdown I created until March 5th 5pm:

JW- Anyone else get the “Freshman admissions decisions will be released on March 5” email? Was there one for ED that mentioned the release date?

Yepp I got it

Looks like we are in the “Wait until March 5” boat…daughter applied Regular Decision, but we are hoping for an Honors Invite. She is OOS. Has anyone seen “invited” show up on their portal yet. VT had posted on the portal that “invited” would show up on March 15 when they were working with an April 1 admission notification date. Now we are wondering when people will find out about Honors invitations. Has anyone received an invite yet?

@2018to2022 I got that email. Same information that was posted on VT admissions social media.

So they said they had a record number of applicants this year… so does that mean that it’ll be significantly more competitive??

@Eas419 Yes, unfortunately it does:(

Well shoot let’s hope for the best. Best of luck to you dude!

Has anyone else noticed that on their scholarship central, there are a new list of scholarships to apply for and also a new basic application that requires admitted student information? Wondering if this is standard or a positive sign of acceptance

@hokiealumni I see new scholarships, but not a new application. Under which section do you see the new basic application? Is it another rectangular icon? Or is it a link?

@msvirginia under my applications there 2 applications, one is new application under “needs attention” and the othe is the general application under “submitted” that we completed the first time went on scholarship central

@hokiealumni I think this is good news for you… under “needs attention” I don’t see anything new. Is it actually titled “admitted student information”? While I don’t have anything there, I’m just thinking that the title might be helpful for future thread readers to see.

@msvirginia @hokiealumni My son has a new scholarship under “Needs Attention”, but it is titled School of Education Scholarship Application. However, he did not apply to the School of Education.

No it is not titled admitted student. It’s titled his college major, but does ask required questions like “assigned student advisor”, this is what makes it confusing as his application status remains the same. Also he is an in-state applicant so we are in the March 5 group

@tonypa @hokiealumni …Actually, “School of Edu” Scholarship is under “Needs Attention.” I just thought that maybe my son had opened that application in error because it has a note of “drafted”… He did not apply to EDU school either…

Interesting - What is you student’s major, @hokiealumni ? When I open up the EDU icon, the first question is name of advisor.

@msvirginia @tonypa School of Architecture

Wow! @hokiealumni If you had said EDU, I would have leaned toward “tech glitch”…but, the fact that yours is a match with your son’s major AND that it’s a different school than @tonypa and I see…well, I think that’s a sign of some good news for your son!

@msvirginia I am keeping my fingers crossed that it is! the waiting is so hard