Virginia Tech ROTC questions.

So I was accepted into Virginia Tech’s General Engineering and Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets, and I have a few questions.

  1. Does ROTC classes interfere with college life/academics/and my major in mechanical engineering?
  2. Am I allowed to quit ROTC after two years? Like just before start of junior year?
  3. Since I also got accepted to Emerging Leader Scholarship(2.5k for freshman, 3k for sophmore, 3k for junior, and 4k for senior), once I quit the ROTC before junior year, do i have to pay back my scholarships?

thank you very much

I just checked my own files, and one document explicitly states “receiving one of our Emerging Leader Scholarships does not require enrolling in ROTC classes or serving in the military after graduation.”

This was from within the past two years. So, you could be in the Corps of Cadets all four years, get the ELS each year, and not incur a military obligation.

Yes, ROTC do take up your time; thus competing with your other academic classes. One class per term, and it does factor into your GPA. They are about average in rigor. If you are not interested in a military career, just take the “Citizen-Leader Track” and bypass ROTC altogether.

I think you are confusing ROTC with the Corps of Cadets itself. Basically, the Corps is the lifestyle, and ROTC is just a class. However, you can be in the Corps and not take ROTC (but if you want ROTC you must be in the Corps).

1.) it doesn’t interfere, its a totally different experience all together. you will obligations to the Corps that civilian students do not have so it won’t be the same exact experience. Engineering is the most popular major in the Corps.

2.)You can quit ROTC anytime so long as you don’t sign contract with a military branch.

3.)You don’t have to payback Emerging Leaders for previous years.

@NROTCgrad as i am reading my acceptance letter closer, it didn’t say that i was enrolled into the ROTC. it just said that I have received the scholarship, and I have to do a sports physical. so when will i be notified? the office is closed now so i cant call them lol…

Actually, I don’t know. I only knew about the ELS because I was helping somebody apply to the Naval Academy and I thought that VT would be a good back up plan. I downloaded all the good info that I found. So, basically, I don’t have detailed knowledge about VT or the Corps of Cadets. Definitely best to ask the Corps at VT.

Regarding ROTC, it seems like the best approach is to not enroll at first. If it so happens that by the end of your sophomore year you taking a liking to the idea of a military career, then you could enroll in ROTC for junior and senior years. You would have the advantage of knowing a lot of VT cadets in the different ROTC branches. Thus, you would be well informed in choosing between Army, Navy, or Air Force. You could even do USMC’s Platoon Leaders Class (the most common way to get commissioned as a Marine officer).

@NROTCgrad well today, they sent me an email…

We have processed your request to change your student status on your application. We have removed your interest in Army (ROTC).

You are now listed as a Citizen Leader Track (non-ROTC) Cadet applicant.

Please feel free to contact our office if you have any questions or concerns about your file.

So pretty much… I’m screwed now… they’re reviewing my applicaiton again, even though I got in…

and its kinda funny how the engineering professor from VT sent me an email about congratulation, but mintes after, the admission office sent me that email…

Hope it works out

who knows… 10 more days. cuz wave 2 comes out on march 20th @bboop42‌

I recommend asking them to clarify what this means. Does it mean your previous acceptance has been reversed or not? Ask them how it affects your ELS scholarship?

They might have just phrased their email badly. Maybe everything is okay, as before, and you are just not listed as an ROTC cadet.

Citizen Leader Track is still in Corps of Cadet. I don’t mind being in the Corps of Cadet and do all that PT, but I just do not want to get involved in the military what so ever. The Citizen Leader Track is different than the ROTC track because ROTC is for people that wanted to take military classes and join the military. Citizen Leader Track means that you still do the Cadet workouts (3 PT a week, 1 leadership lab, 1 leadership class) but with no military involvement. They both have similar schedule, and they both automatically get ELS scholarship.

My previous acceptance (Army ROTC track) still stands (according to the guidance counselor that told me, hope she is not lying), but now they are reviewing me as a normal Cadet which involves no ROTC. The lady did told me that there’s a chance I won’t get accepted, which it scared the crap outta me.

I hear ya. That would bother me too.

I am assuming you mean a counselor at VT, correct? Not your High School

@bboop42 yea a counselor at VT.

S1 has been accepted to business w Corp of Cadets and has been awarded ELS. He never indicated he would do ROTC and that was never an issue w his application. I beleive the sports physical form is that same that you need in high school to play a varsity sport, it’s just to ensure you are healthy, not that you pass certain physical requirements.

yea the problem with mine is that i indicated that i would do army rotc initallty, but they changed my status to citizen leader track. now who knows whats gonna happen. havent heard from them yet.

phewww i got in as Non ROTC Cadet. thank the lord, and thanks for your help @NROTCgrad‌

@C1TonDoe Great news, I am very happy all worked out for you.

Fantastic! =D>