Virginia Tech Transfer Fall 2014

<p>Hey guys I'm going to apply to hopefully go to VT as a junior. I have a 3.6 from an out of state 4 year college plus I have about all the credits that would transfer over but it would still leave me about a semester behind. I was wanting to get into the business school but I'm worried it might be one of their majors that is already pretty full. Does anyone know anyone who has been accepted to Pamplin or know the best way to go about it?</p>

<p>If you have the core/CLE requirements for pamplin (econ, accounting, math, intro business courses) that will transfer over, then you should get in with that GPA. Just in case you haven’t already, use the VT transfer equivalency database and find your school.</p>

<p>My roommate transferred from a CC and was accepted after completing those core requirements. He is a year behind though.</p>

<p>Hey I plan on transferring from VCU. I havent yet visited Tech (but I will visit it)
GPA: 4.0 (19 Credits) Would enter as Sophomore
SAT: 590 CR 650 M 560 W 1240/1600 (1800/2400)
EC’s: Solid (Leadership positions held in multiple clubs)
Major: Finance and/or Econ
Spring 2014 Classes:</p>

<p>Freshman English II
Business Calculus
American History II
French 101</p>

<p>I also plan on applying to UVA and William and Mary</p>

<p>I go to Northern Virginia CC and I’ll be getting my Associates in Music by the end of the semester with a 3.2. I’m a first generation hispanic female. I wanted to change my major though to Education or Human Development. </p>

<p>Do you think I have a good chance?</p>

<p>I need some opinions:
I am a current freshman at a VCCS school. I finished the first semester off with a 4.0 and is trying to transfer to Virginia Tech’s Pamplin School of Business as a sophomore. My high school GPA was a 3.4 and SAT’s were not that good but I don’t think they look at them.</p>

<p>First semester classes (13 credits)
-Macroeconomics -A
-College composition I (freshman english) -A
-Precalc -A
-Physical Geology (lab as well) -A</p>

<p>This semester (16 credits)
-College composition II
-Applied Calculus
-Historical Geology (Lab as well)
-Public Speaking </p>

<p>Does it look good for me? I really want to get in!</p>

<p>Hey hokieee222, I came to VT last fall as a transfer. I only had 8 credits done when I applied to this school. However, I went to NRCC which is a neighboring community college to Tech and got a chance to go on on-site admission. Basically, they reviewed my application right in front of me at the end of January 2013 and told me that if I do well on spring semester, I am good. So my point is number of credits is not everything. These are the classes I had so far
Fall 2012 Spring 2013 ( College Composition II, GeneralBiology II,
College Composition 1 calculus II, psychology)
Biology Summer 2013: Us history I and II.
History of western civilization</p>

<p>Make sure that you meet the core curriculum requirements: English, Science and Math. You might wanna do second half of business calculus. Also make sure that Geology class you are taking falls under core curriculum. I suggest you take chemistry or biology.</p>

Be sure to do 2 science courses ( 6 credits ). You should be good to get in.</p>

<p>Hey vtesl2014,
I am a BIT major at Pamplin. I originally applied to Econ major because I thought the credits I had were not enough for BIT major. I assumed BIT was the hardest major to get in. However, I requested them to change my major to BIT right after they accepted me. Admissions office changed my major right away. So, don’t worry about not getting in because its already pretty full. If you meet all the requirements of pamplin then you should be good. About being a semester behind, this is normal for transfer students I guess. According to hokiespa I am a junior, but I am still taking sophomore level classes.</p>

<p>Today I looked on the VT application summary page and at the top it had the hokie bird and said “your transfer credit evaluation may be complete.” Does that mean that I am in because the hokie bird showed up??</p>

I checked today as well and got the Hokie bird too! And I got a University Honors Application?! The hokie bird from what I have heard means you are in! I was so excited when I saw it! I am a VCCS student as well, I go to Tidewater Community College.</p>

<p>I also just got a Hokie bird on my application. Fingers crossed, since everyone I’ve asked has told me this is a great sign.</p>

<p>@hokie757 Yeah I got the University Honors application as well and I go to TNCC. I hope this means we’re in</p>

<p>Hi everyone!
I am applying as a transfer for the Fall 2014 semester from Northern Virginia Community College. I applied by the early decision deadline and just received a Hokie bird on my application. I applied to the school of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences. My first semester GPA from NVCC was a 3.308 Here is a list of classes I took and am taking:</p>

<p>Fall 2013 (13 credits)
Biology (BIO 101)- A
College Composition (ENG 111)- A
Pre Calculus (MTH 163)- C (although I actually enjoy math, I had a really hard time with the teacher’s teaching style)
Non-Western History (HIS 111)- B</p>

<p>Currently taking (14 credits)
BIO 102
ENG 112 (College Composition II)
MTH 157 (Elementary Statistics)
HIS 112 (Non-Western History)</p>

<p>(I wanted to leave classes more specific to my major for after I transfer, so I just took all of my gerenal ed classes to get them out of the way.)</p>

<p>I plan to double major in International Studies, along with Russian Studies, and minor in Arabic. I am fluent in Russian and was raised in a Russian-speaking household, so I have always had an interest in international affairs and what not. I am not usually one to make C’s, so my fall math grade makes me a bit nervous. I met with admissions prior to submitting my application and the woman I met with made it clear that I am still competitive as long as it is not a D and I have above a 3.0, so that makes me feel slightly better. I also have an extensive list of extra-curricular activities/experiences, which I included in my application.</p>

<p>I would also be considered a legacy. My father graduated from VT and my uncle, who wrote me a letter of recommendation, holds three degrees and currently teaches at Tech. </p>

<p>I have read through many forums from previous years, and from what it sounds like, early decision applicants are usually notified the first week of February. Although that’s only a few days away, I already feel like I am going to lose my mind. I’m sure I’m not the only one though. I thought I would join in on the conversation to help cope with my nervousness, LOL :-)</p>

<p>I will be sure to post if I hear any updates, as I hope others will as well! Much luck to everyone who is applying!</p>

<p>I also forgot to ask, has there ever been any history of anyone getting deferred or declined admission with a hokie bird on their application?</p>

<p>I’ve never heard of that. If you get a bird then you have been accepted. </p>

<p>Having a hokie bird in your app status page means you are in. You will also see another hokie bird with financial aid link in few days. However, they might rescind your application if you get less than C in any of the courses you are enrolled this semester and also if your overall grade drops significantly. One of the guys I knew in my previous school was denied acceptance after he did bad in spring of last year. P.S. The day I got hokiebird in my status page last year was one of the most exciting days in my life. Anyway, best wishes everyone!</p>

<p>I am a sophomore with a 3.62. I applied last year with a 3.68 and was denied. Do y’all think I can get in this year?
I am a biology major with 52 total credit hours. My high school GPA was a 3.9</p>

<p>Bio 115-A
Bio 116-A
Ecology- A
Chem 121-A-
Chem 122- A-
Ochem 211- B
Ochem Lab- B+
Physics 211- A-
Math 102- A
Math 162- A
Math 163- B+
Sociology- A
US History- B
English 110- B+
English 112- A
Art History- A</p>


<p>Has anyone heard when they will release decisions for priority transfer students? I think they release the decisions on friday so does that mean we will be finding out tomorrow?</p>

<p>@hokieeee222 I talked to an admission officer and she said that we find out the first week of February.</p>

<p>What is a priority transfer student? Is it a second year community college student?</p>