Virginia tech Transfer students

<p>damn those are not good numbers in my case</p>

<p>is anyone applying as a human development major or know of anyone who is or has before?</p>

<p>I applied as a human development major. I got in at the end of February because my community college had the on sight admissions. :)</p>

<p>Hah, my college stats are not something I would like to share. I didn’t do well last semester as far as my GPA but I had 14 credits from high school, english and bio, plus my additional from last semester so I thought that might help me out buttttt I guess not. But yeah, i thought 3,000 to 1,000 was a lot especially for people who are on the fence about their application. I’m just hoping they are accepting applications for next spring, so I can try to reapply.</p>

<p>my advisor said if you don’t make it in the first time as a transfer, you should definitely be accepted the second time around.</p>

<p>has anyone received acceptance AND had the hokie bird?
has anyone got denied YET had the hokie bird?</p>

<p>hey guys…so tech actually went to my school for onsite admissions in early january. i was held off for further committee review bc of one of my grades but al my other grades are As and Bs. I am retaking that class i did bad in right now and have a high A…but anyways the rep said they wanted my to mail them my midsemester grades for this semester and I did. she said that I was going to have priority for when they review my app bc i went to there onsite amdissions but i am getting a little nervous bc i have not heard from them yet…anyone in the same dilemma? Like the rep said i could basically get in if I show that I am doing good in the class i did bad in my first semester. i hate this waiting!</p>

<p>cutedanzr The same thing actually happened to me and I am still yet to find out anything. I emailed my grades then she wanted me to fax them but I think its a good thing that we weren’t rejected right away so we do have a foot in the door.</p>

<p>ohhh. do you think it was a bad think that i MAILED them my grades? i was scared to email it bc they neverrrr answer my emails. But yes, we basically got a second chance which i so rare. I did hear from a girl that was in our same position bc of being suspended in high school but she heard back from them beginning of march and she got in. fingers crossed!!</p>

<p>i got a letter in the mail and got rejected. guess i didnt have enough recommended classes and transferable credits</p>

<p>i was applying as a junior transfer. i had a 3.4 in high school and a 3.5 in college </p>

<p>i also applied in high school and got waitlisted with my dad as a legacy as well</p>



<p>did you have the hokie bird?</p>

<p>i just got a hokiebird on my page. has everyone who has had that been accepted? or has anyone been denied despite having the hokiebird on the page?</p>

<p>yup i just got the hokie bird!! 10ctr10, i will call tech tomorrow morning and ask them what the hokie bird means. I know many ppl have been getting generic responses when they ask, but maybe I will get lucky and get a nice lady who will give me a straight answer.</p>

<p>sounds good paaquan! just post on here what they say. if they dont give you a direct response. i will give it a try and maybe just directly ask if anyone with the hokiebird has been denied or something along those lines. should be an exciting few days!</p>

<p>@Paaquan, “Seeing HokieBird on your status page simply means that your application is being processed, specifically that the University Registrar is working on your transfer credit evaluation.” From the VT Undergrad Facebook page.</p>

<p>^^^ I asked about the HokieBird while I was transferring and they gave me the same response, but also elaborated saying it was just to see if my classes would transfer. </p>

<p>So I think if you think of it that way, they’re looking at what classes you’ve taken and how they transfer over at Tech…which admissions will piece into if you’re at a good place to enter the major you’re applying to (like, you’re not far behind or missing a significant amount of important classes).</p>

<p>PS - HAHA, who tagged Midget Porn in this thread? You guys are funny. :P</p>

<p>@lrchuck, what’s your major and where did you apply from?</p>

<p>@10ctr10,paaquan - what are your stats like? majors? where are you applying from?</p>

<p>Spark10, I am a 2nd semester freshman at GMU and I had a 3.79 gpa my first semester. I am applying as an EE major. On page one or somewhere very early in this thread I posted my Classes.</p>

<p>spark10. second semester freshman at RU. 3.5 and received an A in the Business Calc class that i was told i absolutely needed to take in fall 2010 to qualify for transferring in fall 2011. that may be what can set me apart. but i also know my bio class isnt transferring. so we’ll see</p>