Virginia Tech vs Georgia Tech

I am in quite a dilemma right now. I have gotten into both VT and GT but I have no idea which one to pick. In terms of ranking GT outranks VT, however, the main thing causing me confusion is that VT is in-state while GT is out of state tuition. In terms of financial aid, I obtained $12000/$27000 from VT and $14000/$49000. In terms of income, my family makes about 65k per year. Therefore, my main question is is Georgia Tech worth it both financially and career wise in the future, or will Virginia tech be a safer route. Also, can someone pinpoint what are the major differences between the engineering program between these two schools and the opportunities presented by each school?
P.S. I got into the Electrical and Computer engineering program for GT and the General Engineering Program for VT. Therefore, I am sure that I want to major either in Electrical or Computer engineering.

Congrats - you have 2 great options! Do you have any scholarships that require you maintain a certain GPA? If so, what is that GPA and is it for each semester or cumulative?

Unfortunately, I haven’t received any scholarship from the school it self. The money awarded for both school was basically a grant given due to my financial need and will probably vary most likely every year. I just don’t know how much it will vary.


What’s your objective? If you want to go directly into the work force after graduation, a GT graduate will not be paid more than a VT graduate. GT graduates may have a few more job opportunities due to its name, but you will not have problems getting a good paying job with a VT degree either. How would you feel if after 4 years almost $100k in debt more than if you had gone to VT, you find yourself working alongside a VT grad who is making the same money as you?

Go where you can afford. They are both great options. ABET certified programs is what matters -and they are.

What specifically is a ABET certified program? @jym626

For VT that comes out to $15k in loan/year x 4 years or $60k debt
GT comes out to $35K x 4 = $140K

GT is wayyyy too much debt. Not to mention you’d need cosigners and I’d be surprised if your parents could cosign that amount at their current income level. It might even be dicey for them to sign for the $60k, the last year or two

VT would win. And to cut costs I’d consider doing the 1st 2 years at CC then transfer. If you could live at home and commute, CC could save you big bucks like $30k +

You should be familiar with ABET accreditation if you are considering employment in the US

@HardCoreAsian 4 years ago my graduating Sr (civil engineering) had to decide between VA tech, GA tech, Wisconsin and Carnegie Mellon. It came down to Ga and Va. If you are in state, VA tech will give you the most bang for your money and you won’t take on a huge loan. There is a huge engineering expo in fall. I think they have one in the spring. CIvil had a separate job fair. VT grads will find good jobs! (Of course, that also depends on how you do with the curriculum and other factors.). Good luck!