Virginia Tech's Class of 2020!

Admission statuses for early decision were updated today! Proud to say I’ll be a Hokie next year!

Post your results and stats!

Accepted: Engineering

Female, VA
GPA: 4.23 (top 10%)
ACT: 30 (English), 27 (Math)
SAT: 710 (V), 740 (M)
AP: AP US History, AP Lang, AP Lit, AP Chem, AP Calc BC, AP French, AP Studio Art

Amount of community service, leadership, and extracurriculars were decent
3 personal statements (they weren’t that great//they sounded like diary entries aha)
1 teacher recommendation

I think my acceptance has a lot to do with the fact that I am a first generation female (?).

My son was deferred today for COE. His dad and I are both Alums, he has a 4.24 weighted GPA, 710 SAT Math, 660 SAT CR. 32 ACT, numerous AP classes, an amazing internship, sports, volunteer hours, leadership. We are pretty devastated.

mom1970: Hey, I’m really sorry. Might I suggest your son write a letter to the head of the COE expressing his disappointment and asking what he should do to increase his chances of getting in. Be sure to have him mention the legacy and attach his 1st semester grades. (Legacy at Virginia Tech isn’t a big pull for VT admissions. It merely keeps you from being denied.) If you’re from NOVA and you’re not a minority and you’re a boy, COE can be really difficult to gain admissions. This is why I tell my clients to consider Illinois/UC, Ohio State too. Both often give in-state tuition.

Very sorry, mom1970. I think your son may still have a very good chance in the regular round for engineering. Update them with any new accomplishments. If he happens to be offered university studies instead of engineering in the regular round, consider taking that (if his heart is set on Virginia Tech). My son had to go that route (with similar SAT’s to your son but lower GPA) and it was not hard to catch up and still graduate in 4 years. He was deferred ED as well. There is a clear path to engineering from University Studies. But hopefully, your son will get good news about engineering in the regular round. Good luck!

Mom1970, I am sorry that you did not receive an outright acceptance. Has your son taken (or taking) AP Calc, AP Chemistry, and AP Physics? I believe these classes, in particular, are discriminators for admission to Engineering. If your son has taken these classes and was deferred, then the bar must be v-e-r-y high this year for admission.

The engineering bar does seem to be very high. The overall admission rates for VT (usually around 68-70 %) can be misleading as far as admissions to engineering goes. It is not an easy admit . Good luck to those that were deferred and denied. Congratulations to those that were admitted.

Accepted: engineering
GPA: 4.34
SAT: 640 V 650 M
all three essays
I work (seasonal & all year jobs), lettered in 3 sports, NHS, Interact Club (volunteer club), Student Council, FBLA, Prom Committee, Student United Nations
Leadership within these clubs as well as Senior Class President & Cross Country and Track and Field Team Captain

First generation female

I’m really excited to be a hokie!

@mom1970 I had a son accepted to engineering last year (currently attends Tech) and another one applying regular decision this year. My husband and I are alums as well. Devastated–how about disgusted? I can’t believe he didn’t get in now. Tech is changing the rules again for university studies students to transfer into engineering. They tried to change the rules during the fall and reverted back to the criteria under which the students were accepted. I am assuming people pitched a fit. The updated criteria will require an even higher GPA and no guarantee that you will be able to transfer into engineering.

Our youngest son who is a senior in high school has already been accepted to Ohio State. (Waiting to find out about scholarships.) If he doesn’t get accepted directly to engineering at Tech, then he will attend Ohio State.

Good Luck. Based on your son’s stats, I am sure he will be successful wherever he lands.

Congrats @babyspice01 and @petbaguette !

I wish you all would say whether you are in state or OOS.

My son is waiting on RD and has similar stats to @mom1970 's son. He did all the essays. A bunch of his classmates who are lower on the totem pole did get in RD and at least two to engineering. Blame me for not allowing him to apply ED. We are in state.

@mom1970- Wow I am shocked that your son did not get into the FYE program with those stats. My son has applied RD with similar stats. He has been deferred at 2 EA schools and has one acceptance so far. Thinking that we set the bar too high with applications.

Just received the offer of admission email from VTech:) into their Fall 2016 CoE course!! Its 05:30 am here this side of the globe. What a great way to start the day!

Expecting to wait till 1st april, I was shocked to see the acceptance letter this morning!!! :open_mouth:
Fall 2016-Mech. engineering!!..!!
Indian(international) male…
1940 SAT-760 M.580 V
800,800 M2 and physics subject tests!!

Looks like international applicants are hearing back. Anyone in the US heard anything yet?

I just checked my son’s app status page. Nothing new…

My twin sister with similar stats has not received an offer yet. Had applied as RD applicant. Looking at the Class of 2019 Va Tech RD board, I think the decisions keep getting released in batches through Feb and March.


Nothing new to report here (domestic OOS).

When are they likely to release the decisions for the waitlisted/deferred applicants? Are they going to do them in batches or should my sis be looking for a particular date?

@sibibib Waitlisted/deferred applicants will hear with the Regular Decision applicants. The RD applicants hear back in two rounds: February 22 and March 18.

Got accepted into Cal Poly today who has the #2 ranked Arch program, now just waiting for Virginia Tech and UT. VT moved up to #3 in the rakings so it’s really coming down to Cal Poly and VT. Money/scholarships will probably be the biggest factor.