Virginia Tech's Class of 2020!

@mmazza38 Thank you so much!

@sibibib Did your sister got deferred/waitlisted at V-Tech?? If so, I am very tense suddenly!! :open_mouth:

Thank you - he did take AP Cal AB & BC, AP Chem, AP Physics, AP Physics 2, AP English, AP Human Geo, AP World, etc We are in state in Central VA. He did write a few emails to contacts at Tech. Fingers crossed :slight_smile:

@AdrenalineRacer Why are you tense? Have you also got deferred or are you waiting to hear from VaTech? If you have received a deferral, results are expected on Feb 22 and then again on Mar 18 I was informed on this thread by mmazza38. Best of luck! Worrying is a waste:)

I got nothing!! But thank you…Let’s wait and see!

Nervous for tomorrow… could someone chance me!
I’m an Asian(Indian) female in state applying to general engineering
My GPA is a 4.07 but my freshman year grades consisted of pretty much Bs and B-s, after that I haven’t gotten lower than an A-
So freshman year GPA:3.3, sophomore:4.1, junior:4.5, senior:4.8 (so far)
My SAT is alright, a 1910 but math is my highest score, also I’ve taken two AP exams and expect to take 4 this year with a 5 on AP Calc AB from last year & im hoping for another 5 on BC this year (I love math)
I didn’t do any club or sport related things but I have over 400 service hours-- I volunteered at an assisted living for people with dementia
Also, I wrote all 3 essays and felt pretty happy with them; I think they really reflected me as a person outside of school— one of my essays explained my low grades freshman year (death in the family)
Thanks to anyone that takes the time to read this and chance me!! :slight_smile: Would love & appreciate the help!

Nothing so far…maybe tomorrow? #Feb22

Supposed to be today. Most think between 4pm and 5pm ET.

My other son was accepted on 2.20 last year. The middle of the screen–where it currently says Freshman applicant–will be yellow and bold, etc. Right now everything is pretty non-descript and pale–not so after the decision–just make sure you can see the full screen. We are waiting too…My son thought he already got in because he was part of the honors glitch in December where he was offered honors…however they rescinded that–noting their mistake. We told him nothing is definite until you receive an official offer.

Thank you @kooth12 - we were wondering about that. Good luck to your son - sounds very promising!

VT Admissions tweeted 5pm for the release.

Someone on another thread said they are up but mine is not.

My son was accepted! Engineering - OOS - 1370 SAT, 100 weighted GPA

some decisions are already posted…

They are out.;…go look and good luck!

Where do you see it? Do you have to click on “Application Information” after you’ve logged in?

yes–then scroll down. pale yellow boxes in middle of page

Interesting… no pale yellow boxes that everyone is talking about!

DS “Offered Admission” !!!

So excited! DS offered admission! Is there a way to tell if you got into your 1st choice?